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Rhonda Shaw
Recent Activity
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ruready4sweeps at gmail dot com
What Are Your Resolutions for 2011? Your 2 CENTS could win you $25!
Each year around this time, I start to think about what changes I'd like to make for the new year. Some are (unfortunately) there every year. Each year I hope THIS time I get it done! I'm sure some of you might be familiar with them: Lose some weight and Get in better shape! Some peopl...
I am following you through GFC
ruready4sweeps at gmail dot com
What Are Your Resolutions for 2011? Your 2 CENTS could win you $25!
Each year around this time, I start to think about what changes I'd like to make for the new year. Some are (unfortunately) there every year. Each year I hope THIS time I get it done! I'm sure some of you might be familiar with them: Lose some weight and Get in better shape! Some peopl...
Rhonda Shaw is now following Dawn K
Dec 29, 2010
My goals for 2011
Exercise at least 4 times a week
Get my blog where I want it to be -- more organized, more posts, giveaways, more readers
I love scrapbooking but never seem to find the time -- so scrapbooking all these pics I have laying around
Thanks for the great giveaway!
ruready4sweeps at gmail dot com
What Are Your Resolutions for 2011? Your 2 CENTS could win you $25!
Each year around this time, I start to think about what changes I'd like to make for the new year. Some are (unfortunately) there every year. Each year I hope THIS time I get it done! I'm sure some of you might be familiar with them: Lose some weight and Get in better shape! Some peopl...
Rhonda Shaw is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 29, 2010
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