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Just occurred to me that the British will think P stands for petrol.
Well, that does it. No more internal combustion engines! ;-)
Nissan and Ecotricity call for official EV charging point road signage in UK
Nissan and Ecotricity, which operates Europe’s biggest and most comprehensive rapid charging network, the Electric Highway, called on the UK government to introduce official road signage for the UK’s growing number of standard and rapid EV charging points. Despite there being more than 9,000 ...
Great idea, but make these symbols international.
Keep it simple. For example, why not use a circle with a short line dropping from the bottom to represent a plug or fuel connector, and place a large capital letter inside the circle to represent the available connection or fuel? This could cover all vehicle types, for example:
S for Supercharger (Tesla),
2 for Level 2 AC,
H for hydrogen,
N for compressed natural gas,
L for liquefied natural gas,
P for propane,
D for diesel,
G for gasoline, and
E for E85.
Nissan and Ecotricity call for official EV charging point road signage in UK
Nissan and Ecotricity, which operates Europe’s biggest and most comprehensive rapid charging network, the Electric Highway, called on the UK government to introduce official road signage for the UK’s growing number of standard and rapid EV charging points. Despite there being more than 9,000 ...
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Oct 22, 2015
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