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Richardnicholas Mitton
Recent Activity
Get it below 10% then they'll ban it.
Just butt out already!
The prospect of plain packaging for cigarette packets has reared its ugly head in the news this month, with Australia edging ever closer to being the first country in the world to introduce such measures. This has rightfully enraged tobacco giants and ordinary smokers alike. The legislation, w...
Close call though, 5 - 4Close call though, 5 - 4
Free speech wins in the land of the free
A Supreme Court ruling last week finally struck down Arizona’s “clean election” law. This grossly unfair practice ensures that hard working candidate’s are punished by public funds being given to their opponents. This law, which is designed to “level the playing field”, looks more ridiculous e...
Your best friend calls you and tells you he/she's really sick? How do you show you care?
Daniel Hannan on Lateline, 2nd April 2009. Part 2/2. Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2011 at Richardnicholas Mitton's blog
Richardnicholas Mitton is now following directdemocracy
Apr 20, 2011
Richardnicholas Mitton is now following Big Brother Watch
Apr 7, 2011
School kids used to create anti-smoking animations
Last year, Big Brother Watch reported on a group of Medway school children who were sent onto the streets of Chatham to harass members of the public smoking cigarettes. Known as "ciggie busters", the prepubescent crack team would approach members of the public and pluck the cigarettes out of their... Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 7, 2011 at Richardnicholas Mitton's blog
The person who reported it should be done for offending intelligence and common sense ffs.
Sticker Bocker Glory
A 39 year old Manchester United football fan named Sarah Webb-Lee is in trouble with the authorities after they found an offensive sticker on her car which read: "On the first day God created United then completely f***ed up and created City." The police claim the swear word breached ‘public o...
Kerry McCarthy is in need of a wet Halibut around the chops. I can't be bothered respecting people like that, they don't deserve it.
MP calls for mass DNA testing
The tragic murder of landscape architect Jo Yeates has shocked the nation in recent weeks, and no doubt been a news story which many have found distressing. Her body was found on Christmas day, several days after she had been reported missing, three miles from her home in the Clifton area of B...
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos...
Image by Rev. Xanatos Satanicos Bombasticos (ClintJCL) via Flickr via Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2010 at Richardnicholas Mitton's blog
So, a pay cap ratio of 20 to 1. So if you want a bigger pay cheque at the top you have to start paying more at the bottom. Everyone wins except the tax payer. The bosses won't be putting up much of a fight against the unions then will they.
Hutton On Public Sector Fat Cats
The Treasury has just published the interim Hutton Report on Fair Pay in the Public Sector. Back in the summer the Treasury commissioned Will Hutton "... to investigate pay scales across the public sector, and make recommendations on how to ensure that no public sector manager can earn more than...
I don't care if this supposedly shows the extreme side of it. But check the site out. Everything you see is within Sharia Law and Islam.
EU to Open the Muslim Floodgates in December
Extremely alarming news - there can be NO doubt that next month the muslim floodgates will be open with the hoardes undoubtedly flocking to the benefits-rich UK. This will greatly accelerate the Islamisation of Europe and the UK courtesy of the traitorous EU Dhimmicrats. Interesting how the Brit...
I spent 15 years in telecommunications/computers. My basic advice to anyone and everyone is 'Don't put anything on the Internet that you don't want the world to know' A little simplistic,I know, but that should be the basic premise that everyone should follow. "Need to Know".
Some thoughts on privacy and cloud computing
Cloud computing also offers customers of a particular service the opportunity to store all of their health records or financial information in one place so that they or an organisation with permission can also access a person’s information from anywhere. In short, it is an ideal solution to hav...
Wacking this on Digg.
Paul Chambers appeal
For those who don't recognise the name Paul Chambers, he is the man who, back in January, jokingly wrote on Twitter (or 'tweeted') that he was going to blow Nottingham's Robin Hood Aiport 'sky high', having heard that the snow might delay his trip to Ireland. Not only was Paul arrested by the ...
Yer. said ages ago, dogs are a lot better and more efficient than body scanners. they don't get tired of "The Game" and they're pretty much uncorruptable. Ah, now I see. Plus there's not that much dosh to be made by investing in dogs, certainly not as much as to be made by investing in high tech.
Italians reject body scanners
In a remarkable volte face (yes I know that's French, not Italian) the Italians have rejected body scanners at airports - a very different position to the debate in Italy three months ago, when installing body scanners at railway stations was being advocated. There's a wealth of evidence agai...
Can I stone a muslim for being someone who believes in stoning as a form of punishment. The reason I ask is that I don't believe in any sort of myusticism. But I do think that anybody that advocates the death of anyone is the devil.
More Death Threats
Those who speak out against Islamic imperialism are under constant threat. Islamic supremacists go on O'Reilly (although for the life of me, I don't know why the media gives the fronts for the global terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood, a platform for jihad. Do they believe that the MB speak...
CCTV didn't do much good for Jean Menzies either did it?
Don't worry, we've got them on CCTV...
CCTV is in the news again this week. Taking top billing is Coventry's random act of feline cruelty, which seems to have grabbed the attention of the British public far more than something like, say, the floods in Pakistan. But today we have a new CCTV story that once again demonstrates why c...
To all you Cons. I'm ex Tory now a proud member of UKIP. Your lying scumbag of a leader will never ever get my vote again. and I will do my damndest to make sure you never get back into sole power. You are not worthy of governing me, or the UK. Your leader is a yellow streaked chicken. He and clagg will never give us a referendum on the politcal union of the eu. He says it isn't possible, well excuse me, but the Lisbon constitution has an article for member states to leave, so he's lieing. He is a cheat and a vagabond of the worst kind. At least with Clagg we know where he's coming from. We do not need the eu for anything on a politcal front. Trade won't stop if we left, don't forget they trade with us as well. Nothing nasty will happen, in fact if we left nothing but good would happen to this country. Your leader seems to not have very much faith in his countrymen and the business peole that he is supposed to serve. The Conservitive Party has hit a new low in ethics, morality and integrity. The conservitive Party is not a worthy government. It is despicable.
David Cameron tells defeated general election candidates why he believes the Conservatives failed to win an overall majority
By Jonathan Isaby Yesterday saw about around 150 defeated Conservative candidates from England and Wales (I have picked up disquiet from some quarters in Scotland that those north of the border were not invited) gather in London for a debrief on the general election. The overall impression fr...
All immigrants whether from inside the eu or outside of the eu should have at least a modicum of english before they can settle here. If they can't speak the language, how can they work.
Councils should not translate, but give vouchers for language classes
If we want to help poor immigrants, we need to encourage them to learn English. Speaking English will allow them to find a proper job, to improve their situation, and to take part in society. Today's announcement that non-EU immigrants applying for a visa to join their UK spouse or partner will ...
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I hope I've made myself clear. Never mind the money it cost, the damn thing is atrocious.
What on earth are Dorset County Council doing?
My colleague Fiona McEvoy has drawn my attention to a truly jaw-dropping piece of creative work by Dorset County Council. Apparently Dorset felt the need to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child. Goodness knows why, when local residents want them mend...
Who the hell does she think she is. Who's bloody mother is she trying to be. Has she got kids?
Police steal man's car...and charge him £150 to get it back
The title almost explains the story, but the finer details (and the Chief Inspector's response) simply have to be read (from the Daily Telegraph): West Yorkshire Police told Mr Morris a window had been left open and a CD wallet was in the back of the car. The vehicle had been taken to a stora...
What an idiotic police force.
Police steal man's car...and charge him £150 to get it back
The title almost explains the story, but the finer details (and the Chief Inspector's response) simply have to be read (from the Daily Telegraph): West Yorkshire Police told Mr Morris a window had been left open and a CD wallet was in the back of the car. The vehicle had been taken to a stora...
What an idiotic woman.
Police steal man's car...and charge him £150 to get it back
The title almost explains the story, but the finer details (and the Chief Inspector's response) simply have to be read (from the Daily Telegraph): West Yorkshire Police told Mr Morris a window had been left open and a CD wallet was in the back of the car. The vehicle had been taken to a stora...
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