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Col. Lang: I thank you for your reference to my blog and the link to my post. In reading tonight that the IDF chief of staff has abandoned Hannibal as a combat doctrine I came across this blog post.
I should note he didn't abandon it because it was the right thing to do. He abandoned it because the State controller came out with a report that noted that carpet bombing a Gaza neighborhood to ensure you kill your captive soldier & his captors is a violation of international law.
It doesn't seem to cross any Israeli commander's mind that killing your own soldier is sick & twisted. Unfortunately.
The Hannibal Directive
"Harel writes however that a kind of "Oral Law" has developed inside IDF which is supported by many commanders, even at brigade and division level, that goes further than the official order, including the use of tank shells or air strikes. "A dangerous, unofficial interpretation of the proto...
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Jun 28, 2016
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