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Join a campaign to make Solar PV a sustainable business. The BIG 6 energy companies won against Solar PV when they decided to steal the bread from our table and lobby government. We say we can lobby back by the thousand and we need you to join this campaign and... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2012 at solarexpert's blog
solarexpert is now following LAURA SCHAKOSKY
Apr 11, 2010
My thoughts are British Government lent directly to the city, subsidised the motor-trade with an allowance to scrap (many built outside the EU) cars, Government took the taxpayers money directly to the banks — why can’t the Government make [small-business loans] available directly to small business owners? I'm astonished how... Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 13, 2010 at solarexpert's blog
Grow in a Low or No-Growth Economy... Officially the UK's worst ever recession is now over. Quite frankly I think we have a false bottom and I hope that my thoughts are wrong. Should we be forced to increase bank base rates to 4 or 5% the result will be... Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 13, 2010 at solarexpert's blog
solarexpert is now following Auren Hoffman
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following sarah lacy
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following David Berkowitz
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following Denise Wakeman
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following Tom Fishburne
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following Jeff Korhan
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following christine and olivia
Mar 13, 2010
solarexpert is now following Seth Godin
Mar 13, 2010
Grow in a Low or No-Growth Economy... Officially the UK's worst ever recession is now over. Quite frankly I think we have a false bottom and I hope that my thoughts are wrong. Should we be forced to increase bank base rates to 4 or 5% the result will be... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at solarexpert's blog
My thoughts are British Government lent directly to the city, subsidised the motor-trade with an allowance to scrap (many built outside the EU) cars, Government took the taxpayers money directly to the banks — why can’t the Government make [small-business loans] available directly to small business owners? I'm astonished how... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at solarexpert's blog