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Rick Scobs
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Okay, so lets accept gays and their lifestyle. Then what? sex with animals? Yes, God loves us providing we repent and change our ways . These people above, picked one or two verses and used the half conveniently for them. God loves you but if you continue in your merry ways, God will turn His back on you, till you "surrender" to Him and stop your lukewarm Christianity.
You cannot possible be a Christian and worldly. This is NOT the way it works. The great thing about God, is that once we get to Heaven, is going to be His way or the Highway. God is not a "tolerant" God.All this nonsense will come to an end.
Westboro Baptist Church ('God Hates Fags') to protest at Elizabeth Taylor funeral
Westboro Baptist -- the antigay "God Hates Fags" church -- will protest at Elizabeth Taylor's funeral, according to Margie Phelps, daughter of church founder Fred Phelps. Earlier this month, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that free-speech laws allow the church to protest at funerals. Here are...
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Mar 24, 2011
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