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aspiring YA fiction writer
Interests: writing, small business, cooking, eating, reading, doodling
Recent Activity
I miss Suede like crazy. And Domino. I'm hording my old issues.
Toggle Commented Jun 11, 2011 on Honey + Suede at Fly
oh my god i **LOVE** that wedding dress. i would definite shorten it though but i think it's perfect. after the wedding you could dye it and have a super sweet cocktail dress for any occasion.
Toggle Commented Jul 23, 2010 on Estate Sale Scores! at Miss Modish- Mojo Maker
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rifferaff is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Laura, Re-listing definitely adds up but if you think about it as part of your monthly advertising budget- as you do- then it's easier to justify spending the money on Etsy, especially if it's so succesful you don't have to advertise elsewhere.
1 reply
Yes, Anda thanks for mentioning the merchandising articles! I forgot to include that here but they are incredibly helpful for sellers.
1 reply
i love betz's style. very cool to see her workspace!
1 reply
hi, thanks for the link love. congrats again!
Toggle Commented Mar 6, 2009 on Well, shucks, guys! at Curiouser and Curiouser
1 reply
totally relating to this post, both the analysis paralysis (i mentioned it on my blog also) as well as the broke part. i don't really have an answer. but as i work on addressing these issues myself, i find that making lists and setting goals really helps in terms of getting me focused. lately i've been working on writing a real business plan for what i want to do and that's been helpful in terms of laying out honestly what i want, where i'm going and how to get there. that's been a very helpful process and has made me think through some things i probably wouldn't have otherwise. good luck, you're so talented i'm eager to see what you come up with.
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2009 on A flurry at & stuff
1 reply
GREAT link. Thanks for sharing!
Toggle Commented Dec 1, 2008 on FRIENDS & LOVERS {leanne shapton} at heysusy
1 reply
Hi Jena, I also posted resolutions on my blog. Mostly I want to make my dream of a small crafty business a reality. Perhaps I should add a mention on Modish to my list as well? You've got a great list here. Can't wait to see what you come up with in 2007!
Toggle Commented Jan 2, 2007 on Happy New Year! at Miss Modish- Mojo Maker
1 reply
You've been busy! Congrats on taking things to the next level. Like the new banner.
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2006 on New New New New!! at Miss Modish- Mojo Maker
1 reply
Congrats! I can't believe you only started the site in April, it's grown so quickly. Alot of the reasons and inspirations you had for starting modish is similar to what I was thinking before starting Make It. Here's to continued success! This will expose you to a whole new group of readers. P.S. Don't hate on batik. :) I do some myself and it's cool, i swear.
Toggle Commented Jun 15, 2006 on Hurray!! at Miss Modish- Mojo Maker
1 reply
Ack! So exciting! Thanks so much for the shoutout! :)
Toggle Commented May 31, 2006 on New blog on the block at Miss Modish- Mojo Maker
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