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Rita Juse-Cirkse
Recent Activity
Great project! Thanks for sharing!
Garden Art
My project/process for June was to create a mural on the fence in the back yard. Not sure where I got the idea - but I remember seeing something in a magazine where an artist had painted their fence. I LOVE the garden in my back yard. I spend hours sitting and enjoying the flowers, the bird...
Great idea! Thank you so much for sharing!
artJOURNALING daily: hot glue handmade stencils
If you've read either of my books Collage Unleashed or Doodles Unleashed, you know that I LOVE to create handmade tools. I'm always experimenting with fun ways to creatively make my mark. Inspired by a piece of decorative handmade paper, I started thinking about additonal ways I could make my o...
Sorry, Gina, I can't agree. We have to live in ABSOLUTE forgiveness to be really free. We have to understand, that EVERYTHING we experienced came from the absolute LOVE to make us, who we are meant to be.
Unfortunately, I don't know the author, but there is a saying I love: When people hurt you think of them like a sand paper. They may scratch and hurt you but in the end, you end up polished & they end up useless.
Friday With Effy #4 ~ Forgiveness = Freedom
What's on my mind today: If I have wronged you or hurt you, I am always open to respectful dialogue about it. In the same breath as I am willing to acknowledge my mistakes and make amends, I extend myself in love and empathy for anyone who has ever wronged me. We are all on a journey...
All I can say: HALELUJA!!!!
Friday With Effy #4 ~ Forgiveness = Freedom
What's on my mind today: If I have wronged you or hurt you, I am always open to respectful dialogue about it. In the same breath as I am willing to acknowledge my mistakes and make amends, I extend myself in love and empathy for anyone who has ever wronged me. We are all on a journey...
Great job and great post!
Thanks for sharing!
Out Of The Comfort Zone and Into The Creative Fire
I spent yesterday Life Booking. (I love verbing nouns!) Between BOD and my other commitments, I have been having trouble finding the time to just sit down and play, but yesterday, I had a little tantrum (not really), groomed two of the four dogs (which took many hours of hunching over little fu...
WOW! So proud of you and so happy to know you!
Thank you so much for sharing!
Oprah Saved My Life & Julee Described It. (with Video)
I had this amazing experience this morning. I got up, got my coffee and sat down to check e-mail. I had a lovely e-mail from Julee Herman about the video I produced for Book of Days on Monday. She said: I loved this one, Effy! I was talking to the screen... looking a bit nutter I'm sure... I lo...
Great video and a beautiful page!
And YEE HAA!!! for creating a structured every day life!!!
Know Thyself (Video)
I'm undertaking a project with the women in the Premium Programme over at Book Of Days. We are reading Soulistry by June Mack Maffin together, and responding with journal writing and art. It starts tomorrow, but being the good Doo-Bee, I got almost everything ready today. That image there at le...
So happy to hear that!
Saying No
My beloved Teacher tells me clarity comes when we first know what we are saying 'no' to. I say no to: ~working too much for too little ~giving a crap what other people think of me ~identifying myself ONLY by the roles I have been cast in ~staying 'on the ship' that is my tiny house, my red leath...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Peg Pritchett
When did you start art journaling? Art journaling began with the BOD this winter, so still a newbie to all things art journal. Do you maintain an art 'practice' or are you a seat-of-the-pantser when it comes to your art? For the last year I paint with acrylics/mixed media at least 5-6 times p...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Amy Scheiderman
When did you start art journaling? Just this past November. I stumbled on the concept of art journaling while link hopping. I wish I could remember where I first saw the idea but links led to links which led me to Effy (still at Wild Precious, just pre-BOD) The site caught my attention because...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Nice to get to know you a bit more!
Lee Clements
When did you start art journaling? I have been art journaling for just over a year now but have dabbled in art since I was young. My mum is an artist so I was always surrounded by creative inspiration. I love the freedom with art journaling, the total ‘no mistakes’ way to create that has re-ig...
Thank you so much for sharing!
*hugs* for your daughter going blind
It must be incredibly hard for both of you...
Wendy Erman
When did you start art journaling? I've kept a blog for many years. Likewise, I've had a daily art practice for many years, yet, I never thought about combining my writing and art. I've seen people doing it for years via their scrapbooking pages and through artists like Teesha Moore who have ...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Jo Crawford
When did you start art journaling? I actually only started art journalling relatively recently in about September/October 2011. After seeing Effy and other on-line friends' journal pages I wanted to give it a try as a therapeutic model around a specific issue I was facing. I've been trying t...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Annie Mac
When did you start art journaling? I started art journaling in January of this year, although I had been , during the last months of 2100, keeping a record of my artistic endeavours. I ‘graduated ‘ from card making 5 or so years ago into mixed media, and latterly textiles has been my main focu...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Great video!
Becky Young
When did you start art journaling? My first experience with art journaling was at school. When I was doing my A-levels I had an eating disorder and my art teacher wanted me to try and explore my feelings through the journal, but I wasn't ready then...... Then over the last few years I tried ag...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Great video!
Sarah Cooper
When did you start art journaling? ‘Create’ was my Word of the Year for 2010, spent the year dipping my toes in untested creative waters... My 1st Art Journal page ever was created January 4th 2010. Do you maintain an art 'practice' or are you a seat-of-the-pantser when it comes to your art?...
Thank you so much for sharing!
Xfacta Kel
When did you start art journaling? I started visual journalling nine years ago, after I had a minor stroke. At the time I was working as a magazine editor, but after the stroke impaired my language ability, I was really struggling in my job. Without knowing why, I decided I had to do some kin...
Well done and well said, Effy! The way to go!
You Don't Have To Be An Expert To Begin
I started mucking about in late 2009 with some Mod Podge and scrap paper and a box of chalk pastels. In Spring of 2010, I went ga-ga over art journaling, and my life blossomed in ways I would never have expected, but the fact remains: I am an art newb. I am still in that phase where there is a ...
Thank you, sisters!
Kel: no I haven't blogged about it, but it's pretty simple: PVA glue, chalk or baby powder, water and some white pigment in eye balled proportion + stir before use :D
And one more thing: you miss a huge load of fun not being in the FB group :D
Rita Juse-Cirkse
When did you start art journaling? I didn't know something like that existed, before Jeanette (Maisy) House introduced me to Effy and her e-course "The Elements of Art Journaling" last summer. The course started on the 1st of July 2011 and so did my first art journal Do you maintain an ar...
Thank you, Pippa!
Wendy: I'd love to, but the BoD groups main page on FB isn't working for me for now. You have to come over to this one
Rita Juse-Cirkse
When did you start art journaling? I didn't know something like that existed, before Jeanette (Maisy) House introduced me to Effy and her e-course "The Elements of Art Journaling" last summer. The course started on the 1st of July 2011 and so did my first art journal Do you maintain an ar...
Thank you so much, Effy, for featuring me!
feeling really honored :)
Thank you, Jul! I had forgotten abut it for decades :)
Rita Juse-Cirkse
When did you start art journaling? I didn't know something like that existed, before Jeanette (Maisy) House introduced me to Effy and her e-course "The Elements of Art Journaling" last summer. The course started on the 1st of July 2011 and so did my first art journal Do you maintain an ar...
Getting The Hang Of Things
When I started BOD I had no idea that it would become a full time job, but that's what's happened and I couldn't be more thrilled. 1010 souls have joined me on this year long adventure in journal art and self-awareness. That's one thousand and ten! And January isn't even over yet! *Gobsmacked!* ...
You go, girl! But be more gentle to your body, sweetheart! MKay?
Gooooooood Day
This image was floating around Facebook the other day and I have no idea who to credit it to, but it makes me so flipping happy that I thought I'd share it here. I can't get over that look in her eyes! It looks to me like she's saying "I made dis. See?" with a heart bursting with pride and love...
So happy to hear about all the good things in your life!
Good luck with all the changes!
All Kinds Of Wonderful
So...I've been busy. BOD, which I imagined would capture the affection and imagination of a few dozen people has turned into a ginormous undertaking with over 800 sign-up. I'm blown away by the response and humbled and grateful for every single person who takes the time to open my thrice weekl...
Beautiful works!
New Artwork!
Close up taken with Instagram on my iPhone. I LOVE Instagram!!!! My newest little mermaid is swimming around on an abstract mixed media background! This painting was done on a collaged 16" x 20" stretched canvas. I'm loving this combination of colours! Notice how all but one of my mermaids...
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