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Rivky Mitzvah
Recent Activity
Rivky Mitzvah is now following Ignatz Ratzkiwatzki
Mar 1, 2016
Hi :) The book looks wonderful. Any possibility of getting it here in Israel?
Just one odd question for you. Friday is my favorite day of the week. I know that I am putting all worldly concerns behind me and having a blessed 25 hours with G-d, my children, grandchildren & great food :) Why would you have Friday Night Blues, girl? You are part of the family. There is much I would recommend in the Billie Holiday songbook, such as G-d Bless The Child, but if I am looking for Friday songs:
Have a great Shabbos, world & may we all be in Yerushalayim tomorrow night.
Look! Book! Pre-Orders Get Priority!
Here's the book jacket -- of the much awaited, authoritative book on Obama. Accept no substitutes. Don't settle for also-rans. Go to the original source. Pre-order it now! Scroll and look what Geert Wilders, Mark Steyn, Caroline Glick, Brad Thor, Andrew McCarthy, and David Horowitz have said abo...
Sorry. I am a pretty sensitive person to anti-Jewish rhetoric, but I don't find the joke to be so. It may have been out of place or inappropriate, but let's not get so touchy that we cannot tell the difference between hate speech & humor. This man may well be an Obama flunky & a Jew hater, but it is not apparent from this joke. Obama has done enough REAL harm. Let's not become the way Statist groups are & be humorless drones ready to pounce on everything. If we become the "constant victim", it diminishes the vileness of real anti-Jewish speech & actions. If my Zayde Z'tzal or yours told that joke, you know you would laugh. Let's save the indignation for real acts of evil.
Kol HaKavod on the turnout. I sat in Yerushalayim waiting for reports & this made my heart soar.
The rain was fitting as Obama's anti-Israel policies cast a dark cloud on the free world. But that didn't stop thousands and thousands of Jews, Christians, Hindus and freedom loving peoples from coming out against Obama. Robert Spencer, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, James Lafferty, Michael Ledeen...
Rivky Mitzvah is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 26, 2009
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