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What if you have a title that ends in an exclamation point, but then a format right after. For example,
Sykes, J. (2012, March 4). Hello Mrs. Sykes! [Blog post] Retrieved from
WOuld you put the ! after the [Blog post]?
Punctuating Around Quotation Marks
Dear APA, I’m quoting from a couple of different sources in my APA Style paper, and I can’t figure out what to do with all the quotation marks and periods and commas. Do I put the period inside or outside the quotation marks? What about question marks and quotation marks? I’ve been told so man...
I am unable to find anywhere, how to cite a published radio interview IN-TEXT. The interview is available from a broadcasting website (CBC). I have the correct APA citation for the reference list, however, no where does it say what information to include in text. Would it be the author's (interviewee) last name, year? Or author's first initial last name, then month day year? What information is included in a published interview in-text? This is not a personal communication. I have checked the manual, other sites, and I am unable to find anything that does not relate to a personal communication. Thanks!
APA Style for Citing Interviews
by Timothy McAdoo “I’m quoting Johnny Depp from an interview I read in a magazine. But the Publication Manual has no reference format for interviews. What do I do?” I’ve always said there are two types of interviews in this world: those you conducted and those you didn’t! Let’s look at both. ...
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Mar 18, 2015
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