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Randy Kuss
Recent Activity
Randy Kuss is now following The Gathering Voices Team
Jan 18, 2011
Randy Kuss is now following Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Jan 18, 2011
Thanks for your thoughts, Erin.
Points of resonance for me include: ". . . the power of good enough . . . committing to an imperfect partnership and putting in the excruciating work required of relationship . . . discerning God's version of church and entering in wherever I can find it . . ."
Working with Indiana Network for Higher Education Ministries in a project on vocation, I look forward to your further sharing around vocation, innovation and feminism and to passing those along in the INHEM network.
Be well,
Randy Kuss
Dating Church
After a few bouts of serious relationships, I am back on the church dating scene. I have nothing but amicable feelings toward my former boyfriends - the handsome and hokey United Methodist Church in North Carolina and the brooding intellectual First Presbyterian in Northern California - but anot...
Randy Kuss is now following Erin Lane
Jan 18, 2011
Randy Kuss is now following Lara Blackwood Pickrel
Jan 18, 2011
Randy Kuss is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 18, 2011
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