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My personal blog on user experience. Yes, personal.
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Mar 15, 2010
Thanks for your comment. I havent written on my blog for a while. I guess its time to start getting back to writing on it. -r
company one-liners: google, apple, myspace
This post is about one-liners. So in honour about that I will be brief. It's about describing in one sentence what some companies are about. My roommate in SF was a screenwriter in Hollywood for a while. And he was great at summarizing a movie and stating what it was really about. So to challenge...
Hiya. That's great that you published a book on dialogs with Doug Engelbart. It always surprises me that many of the key people in UI design and tech are not as well known as they should be. I don't know if you know the term "a musician's musician" meaning the musician that musicians listen to. Like Bono would listen to Piazzolla. I think of Engelbart as one of the CHI gurus that UI gurus read. :-)
Videos of early personal computers like Sketchpad (1961), Engelbart's NLS (1968), and Xerox Star (1981)
This is meant to be a short post. I have been watching videos lately of the design of the first graphical computers. These were Sutherland's Sketchpad (running on a room-sized TX-2, roughly in 1961), the first graphical UI, Doug Engelbart's NLS (in 1968) demonstrating the first word processor, ...
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