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Interests: Everything CG, Virtual Reality
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Dec 21, 2009
I'm going to see it again. Then I'll wait for the 3d Blu Ray players to hit the market. My 63 is ready.
I've been hooked on 3d since its dinosaur days. As an artist, avid reader our minds are already wired in 3d. Stereoscopy is the bringing our visualization into the physical world more vividly. Big shot out to Lenny Lipton and the other engineers who worked hard to make 3D HD reality.
Most definitely, without a doubt.
Toggle Commented Dec 22, 2009 on Is AVATAR an Oscar Contender? at Avatar Blog
AVATAR rocks, no doubt!!!! Great story, CG elements, scenery. I can go on and on. Only one drawback for me. I love the stereoscopic effects, but I think they were times when depth could have been pushed up a notch. Examples, the opening scene with the shuttles docking, I really noticed depth between the objects. The panoramic shots of the backdrop, they should have pushed the separation of the objects. Clouds, rocks, trees etc. The shots at the edge of cliffs, you got the feeling of immersion but the effect of being close to the edge, you should get that sense of really being on the edge. The shots from the aerial vehicles looking out the window, You have to really feel like you're looking out the window. I played with stereoscopy for years. I know it can be done. I purchased a 3d conversion software years ago to up convert 2d movies to 3d. I've seen some pretty impressive effects while viewing aerial footage. Journey to the center of the the earth had some impressive stereoscopic scenes. I give everyone credit for such a high class production. I wish I could get the opportunity to give some feedback to them. I know you can really push the limits of depth without causing strain of the eyes. Thanks Mr Cameron and everyone involved in the project!!!!
Toggle Commented Dec 22, 2009 on AVATAR Review Round-Up at Avatar Blog
AVATAR rocks, no doubt!!!! Great story, CG elements, scenery. I can go on and on. Only one drawback for me. I love the stereoscopic effects, but I think they were times when depth could have been pushed up a notch. Examples, the opening scene with the shuttles docking, I really noticed depth between the objects. The panoramic shots of the backdrop, they should have pushed the separation of the objects. Clouds, rocks, trees etc. The shots at the edge of cliffs, you got the feeling of immersion but the effect of being close to the edge, you should get that sense of really being on the edge. The shots from the aerial vehicles looking out the window, You have to really feel like you're looking out the window. I played with stereoscopy for years. I know it can be done. I purchased a 3d conversion software years ago to up convert 2d movies to 3d. I've seen some pretty impressive effects while viewing aerial footage. Journey to the center of the the earth had some impressive stereoscopic scenes. I give everyone credit for such a high class production. I wish I could get the opportunity to give some feedback to them. I know you can really push the limits of depth without causing strain of the eyes. Thanks Mr Cameron and everyone involved in the project!!!!
Toggle Commented Dec 22, 2009 on AVATAR: It's Better in 3-D at Avatar Blog
I hope Avatar raise the consciousness of the citizens of this planet. Avatar comes at a time in life when transparencies are no longer hidden in closets. Awareness of each other or our presence on this celestial body. Two thumbs up Mr Cameron and everyone involved in the process of bringing Avatar to reality also the most important element in entertainment, the viewers.
Toggle Commented Dec 22, 2009 on AVATAR's Eco-Political Message at Avatar Blog
bodhiRon is now following AVATAR
Dec 21, 2009
AVATAR rocks, no doubt!!!! Great story, CG elements, scenery. I can go on and on. Only one drawback for me. I love the stereoscopic effects, but I think they were times when depth could have been pushed up a notch. Examples, the opening scene with the shuttles docking, I really noticed depth between the objects. The panoramic shots of the backdrop, they should have pushed the separation of the objects. Clouds, rocks, trees etc. The shots at the edge of cliffs, you got the feeling of immersion but the effect of being close to the edge, you should get that... Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2009 at Ron McLawrence's blog
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Posted Dec 21, 2009 at Ron McLawrence's blog
bodhiRon is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 21, 2009