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Dhimmi This!
Interests: Family, Farming, Politics, Guns, and Apple Pie
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Mar 15, 2010
Just to throw my two cents in - In December 2006 I was visiting Mologne House. While standing in the lobby and listening to a soldier gripe about how much Building 18 sucked I noticed a commotion at the front door. In walked none other than Senator Kennedy. A young SGT standing next to me had been at Mologne House for nearly two years - He said Senator Kennedy was the first Congressional visitor he had ever seen walk in the door. I did not like his politics, but I have to give credit where credit is due. This is a link to the picture I snapped
Ted Kennedy - CBS Needs to do some Fact Checking
Senator Ted Kennedy was a veteran of the US Army. After getting kicked out of Harvard for cheating, he was drafted he enlisted. After serving his three two years, he went back to Harvard and you probably know the rest of the story. CBS News interviewed staffers and family and did not invest...
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