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Reese Myers
Recent Activity
i feel like all mixed up after i watch avatar. I feel like we should be taking better care of our earth. I mean if you look at it were starting to loose the green on earth more rapidly everyday. I wanna live on pandora where i dont have to worry about anything like school or grades or stuff like that. Avatar makes me feel truly sorry for mankinds shitty existance
"did anyone else feel kinda depressed after...
"did anyone else feel kinda depressed after watching avatar? like something in your life was missing or that you felt alone and that Pandora was the place that could heal all this for you?" -BizzMarq- I felt exactly the same way u commented...
Reese Myers is now following AVATAR
May 3, 2010
Reese Myers is now following The Typepad Team
May 3, 2010
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