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Thanks, Jacklyn! I just about doubled everyone else's time, but it felt good to finally do one as prescribed.
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Oh yeah! Look at that stud! No, the one behind Stringer. No, the one on the... Oh, forget it!
Toggle Commented Mar 2, 2012 on Friday at CrossFit North Fulton
1 reply
The WOD is a lot harder than I thought too. My everything is just not there right now. 30 reps for me. Good job Ben and Kevin!
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Not sure exactly what exercises will be involved in Open WOD #2, but I'm betting on a 21/15/9 rep structure.
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2012 on Monday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Thanks for the good word, Ben. Any time you need somebody to bring our average down, I'm your go-to man! Luckily, it seems that the team competition is of the every-bit-helps variety instead of the average score per member. And great job on the burpees, ladies.
1 reply
Kim, I really don't feel like you captured my best angle there.
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2012 on Friday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Newbie here. 109/24:38 with bands and 12 lb. ball. Lots of room for improvement.
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2012 on Monday at CrossFit North Fulton
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Rnewb is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 31, 2012