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Regina Mahone
New York, NY
Interests: Staff Writer at Philanthropy News Digest, a service of the Foundation Center -- interested in the programs, orgs, and people who are doing social good
Recent Activity
Hi Jean, Great post. I appreciate your honesty when you wrote that "for-profits, by definition, are not in business to give away money. If they don't give it, well, so be it." I think it'll be interesting to see if/how Apple responds to all of the bad press they've received over the past couple of weeks.... -- Regina
Regina Mahone added a favorite at PhilanTopic | PND | Candid
May 4, 2010
Regina Mahone added a favorite at PhilanTopic | PND | Candid
Nov 16, 2009
Regina Mahone added a favorite at PhilanTopic | PND | Candid
Oct 30, 2009
Hi Cindy, This was a really cool way to engage in a dialogue over the internet. I was unable to catch the live discussion, but could easily catch up by reading it after it happened. I look forward to attending future live Q&As. Great stuff! Regina