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Regina Mahone
New York, NY
Interests: Staff Writer at Philanthropy News Digest, a service of the Foundation Center -- interested in the programs, orgs, and people who are doing social good
Recent Activity
Hi Jean,
Great post. I appreciate your honesty when you wrote that "for-profits, by definition, are not in business to give away money. If they don't give it, well, so be it." I think it'll be interesting to see if/how Apple responds to all of the bad press they've received over the past couple of weeks....
-- Regina
Is Apple Anti-Charity?
That's the headline of Peter Paneto's blog post at the Chronicle of Philanthropy that caught my eye. On my way to work I walk past the Moscone Center so I've been feeling the ambient hoopla of WWDC 2010 and all things Apple this week. At the Foundation Center we know that Apple has not had a f...
Regina Mahone added a favorite at PhilanTopic | PND | Candid
May 4, 2010
Regina Mahone added a favorite at PhilanTopic | PND | Candid
Nov 16, 2009
Regina Mahone added a favorite at PhilanTopic | PND | Candid
Oct 30, 2009
Hi Cindy,
This was a really cool way to engage in a dialogue over the internet. I was unable to catch the live discussion, but could easily catch up by reading it after it happened.
I look forward to attending future live Q&As. Great stuff!
Nonprofits and Social Media: A Live Q&A Session
Social media guru George Nemeth will be here live on Wednesday, May 20th, 12-1pm ET, to answer any and all of your social media questions about blogging, Twitter, podcasting, Facebook, you name it. How it Works This live, text-based Q&A session will take place right here at our blog. Through ...
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