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Robbi Hess
Professional Blogger ~ Social Media Consultant ~ Speaker ~ Ghostwriter
Interests: reading, writing, editing, my poodle-extraordinaire, Henrietta
Recent Activity
Great comment, Donna. You know there is a very tiny tag at the top that reads "Post by Robbi" but it never occurred to me to put a byline and/or bio. I am going to do that right now. Truly never noticed it!
1 reply
The other day I checked the mail and had an envelope in there from the AARP!? What!? When did I get to be "of the age" when AARP is sending me mail? I might have been able to forget about it, but unfortunately I forgot about it and left the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2014 at My Divas Dish
Henrietta says, "When I go walking, I prefer a harness because I get too excited about the scents and smells and a collar is much too constricting when I am tugging at the leash and mom just can't keep up. I wear a harness and 'we' have finally learned how... Continue reading
Posted Feb 14, 2014 at My Divas Dish
BlogPaws is planning its third annual #BlogPawty and it's a great way to interact with pet-loving pals -- and enjoy some sardine wrapped snacks, bacon sours and other pet-friendly virtual appetizers. The BlogPawty features quizzes, virtual drinks served up by our BarkTenders, giveaways (hotel room stays for BlogPaws 2014!) The... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2014 at My Divas Dish
I've been saving my pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters and am on my way to BlogPaws 2014. Why have I been saving? As part of the BlogPaws team it's my duty to be there but as a pet blogger and social media manager, I NEED to be there. I work... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2014 at My Divas Dish
Super Bowl Sunday is only three days away and pizza shops are taking orders, grocery stores are selling out of "staples" such as chips, dip and beer so if you're planning a Super Bowl Super Party you'd better get to the planning! As a pet owners, I know that when... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2014 at My Divas Dish
To all of you out there who don't understand the terms: canine kids, or fur-kids or if you don't consider yourself a pet parent, you likely will not understand this post. I can't remember where I was recently and someone was talking about "those people that dress their pets"... First... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2014 at My Divas Dish
It's become apparent in recent weeks and interacations with friends and family whom I have not seen in recent months that I am a cat lover/cat collector (Do not tell, Henrietta -- I think she suspects but let's not announce it too publicly). When I am greeted by a friend... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2014 at My Divas Dish
Not too long ago I asked the question in the BlogPaws Community Writers Group: "When did you know you wanted to be (or were) a writer?" We've had some lively conversation and it's been great knowing when the bloggers in our pet-loving community just knew they had to find a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2014 at My Divas Dish
We've all seen the ASPCA commercials. The dogs and cats in kennels staring through the bars with sad and yearning gazes. When watching those I am hard pressed to not leap off the couch and run to my local shelter and adopt all of the pets that are there. That... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2014 at My Divas Dish
I am allowed to live in a house with four cats which we adopted either from a shelter or saved from a box at a roadside fruit stand or from a rescue group. Just as people and dogs have unique personalities, so too do my cats: Jessie, the Tortie talks... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2014 at My Divas Dish
Quick! How much "free time" do you have in the course of your day? If you're like most bloggers (pet and otherwise) you don't have much and you also know that in some cases, social media tasks can take up hours. I know can easily spend hours poking around Facebook,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2013 at My Divas Dish
The New Year is looming and with it comes a feeling of "I have to do something to make a change... in my life, blogging, diet, etc." We sometimes get so bogged down in the "What I should be doing" that we get frozen and do nothing. The same holds... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2013 at My Divas Dish
Your house is decked out for the holidays and you're continually throwing open the doors and welcoming in the guests. Friends and family mill about and make life and the holidays happy and fun, right? For the humans in the house, that is probably true, for the pets in your... Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2013 at My Divas Dish
Winter is settling in across the country. We jus had a cold blast here in Rochester, NY and about 11 inches of snow fell in such a short period of time that the city made it to the top of a snowfall this for the season... already. Sigh. At least... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2013 at My Divas Dish
This month, BlogPaws kicked off a month-long giving theme. The pet-loving members of BlogPaws and all their followers are looking for, and writing about ways they can become involved in helping out pets in need. You don't need to have a lot of money or even time to make a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2013 at My Divas Dish
What a sense of accomplishment. You've written a pet blog, hit publish and now... you ... wait. What? Where are the readers? You've tweeted about it, put it on your Facebook page and even put a picture on your Pinterest page. Why aren't the readers flocking to the post to... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2013 at My Divas Dish
We see it all too often. Pets are given as gifts and then once the novelty wears off, the pet is neglected. Bunnies and chicks given at Easter grow up and are no longer as cute and cuddly. Puppies and kittens grow into dogs and cats, but prior to growing... Continue reading
Posted Nov 12, 2013 at My Divas Dish
Do you ever feel like you just want to do something, anything to help address the plight of homeless animals? Does it just seem too daunting? After all, you can't bring home another pet, can you? You don't really have the money to make a huge donation to your local... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2013 at My Divas Dish
In my house we are the parents to two dogs (Henrietta and Spenser) and four cats (Parker, Jessie, Clyde and Lucy) and a baby bearded dragon (Alice Cooper). Do we/did we need another pet? I'd have to say, "no, not really." But when, within the space of two weeks my... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2013 at My Divas Dish
I've been the pet parent of many cats throughout my life. Like people, all cats have different personalities -- sure they all possess the aloof traits, but right now in our house we have four cats. Parker always seems to be chasing something through the house that none of us... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2013 at My Divas Dish
The recent flooding in Colorado and the not so long ago storms that hit Oklahoma and the areas of the country plagued by wildfires and other natural disasters make you realize that at almost any moment your life could be rocked by tragedy. If you do'nt have an emergency plan... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2013 at My Divas Dish
Henrietta, is and this is putting it mildly, a wild woman when it comes to her activity levels in the house. There are times, at least once a day, when she will dash around like she's in an agility class -- under the chair rungs in the kitchen, up and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2013 at My Divas Dish