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Without including the hall of famers 1. Ice Cube 2. Big Pun 3. Big L 4. The L.O.X 5. Meth and Red
Toggle Commented Feb 23, 2011 on Just Blaze vs. Alex The Kid at
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That album is the shit!! One of the most complete albums I've heard in a while. That "Africa Must Wake Up" b makin me feel like I'm in the motherland lol. I got to see Nas and Jr Gong ova the summa and they did the damn thing.
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Co Sign!!!!!! That album is dope as fuck too. I'm bout ta go check them out live next week.
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Man....I ain't see him say shit about Rocafella or Ruff Ryders. Misleadin ass headlines....smh
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Lol I remember that. I can't think of the name of the show, but I'm pretty sure it was on MTV. They had this nigga Luda flowin to some retarded shit....with frog noises n shit lol
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They could but they aint got no D for the mamba
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Co sign 10000000% LAKERS ALL DAY!! Hope the Celts make it too, juss so kobe can get some revenge on them lol
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My first album had NO famous guest appearances, The outcome?.....I'm crowned the best lyricist
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I agree that Fab hasnt lived up to his potential and dropped a "classic" album yet, but this mixtape right here goes HARD!!! That shit is CRACK!! If ya'll aint got it yet, i highly recommend downloadin that shit. You wont be disappointed. Peace
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This is def a god look for both Banks and Fab!! I think I might have heard that old collabo they talkin bout too. It was on a mixtape a mean min ago, I don't remember who's mixtape tho. But it was called "fallback" or somethin like that. It had Brandy singing the hook. Shit was fire!!
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I still think Redman shoulda been on one of the tracks. But thise will be hot.
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No Redman on any tracks? Thought he would be on at least one. But this should be dope. And then they can keep touring, showing love to the smaller venues. Been to a few shows here in RI, they always get it live.
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It came out last week I think. He tryin to sell that joint for like 6 bones on, but I got it from my homeboy. Shits dope too.
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This Tim Westwood cat must be killin em across the pond. He interviews everybody.
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I ain't know that he had Gaga either. That's wassup, I remember I found Akons Blackberry at Six Flags. It was like a few months after he dropped his first album. I was at Six Flags in Atlanta and he dropped it on a ride, when I hopped in it was right on the seat. This nigga was tight! I seen him walking around asking people if they had seen it. His reward for finding it was only a G, so I juss kept it. He had a shitload of lyrics to songs he was writing for him and other people. Shit had all his bank account info and mad celebs phone numbers. I tried to call Naomi Campbell but her assistant answered. I called j hood talking shit about g unit would fuk him up. Lol shit was funny. That nigga got slick tho. I guess they traced it somehow cuz when I got back to RI, he had some "groupies call sayin they were gon be I'm RI, if we wanted to chill. I was like 'why the fuck would akon be chillin in RI' I ended up losing that shit anyway, but fuck it.
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Amy whinehouse is a lyricist cuz she writes her own songs.
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Mot to mention biting Russel's Def Comedy Jam wit his wack ass Bad Boys of Comedy.
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^^HATERS stay there, I breathe you, like air -Jigga Man
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Fab is a monster!!!! Can't wait to hear this shit. TNIC part 1 was pretty dope so this should be too. I don't think that B,B, and Bs will be a remix wit banks. Most likey Fab juss murdering the beat.
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C'mon Fab and drop that shit already. Been on waitin on this shit since Christmas. He keep pushing it back like its an album. Shit ain't gotta be all perfect, its a mixtape homie. Fab gon murder shit like he always do anyway.
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This dude prob ain't even got offers for clothes or fragarance deal. Who the hell wants to look or smell like Neil Armstrong??? Man on the Moon as nigga
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Yea man I was a huge banks fan. I still will download one of his mixtapes every now and then, but he def ain't the same. I don't know if he got lazy or what, but his voice is different when he spits now and he ain't got that many punchlines anymore. banks dropped 5 mixtapes last year, I heard two(cold corner and 4-30-09). They were nothing like any of his money in the bank series. Had some bangers but not front to back. Any of y'all hear the others? How were they?
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I ain't know Mr. Porter was gettin it in like that. Been hearin and seein his name a lot lately.
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I agree a billion% that putting ur hands on a woman is wrong. But when a chick is spasin out u gotta mush her or she gon be wailin on you. Them spanish chicks get rowdy too, throwing shit. Lol.
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Lol. Big baby? Aint really nothing else to say about it. You and the other bloggers covered it in yall exchanges. I didnt see anybody say anything bout that wayne and boosie song, so I figured I would throw it out there. Peace
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