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Disruptive Technologist.
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robin2go added a favorite at
Dec 10, 2009
robin2go added a favorite at Mapping the Long Road
Dec 9, 2009
robin2go is now following Beanmartian
Dec 9, 2009
It absolutely is possible to speak on your life as a parent and husband. I speak about my family by using handles that will identify them to the reader, but not by name. is one post written exclusively about my daughter. Do you know her name? On twitter, can you tell me the name of my spouse? It is always a choice each of us makes. Many of us choose to let them make their own choices about their digital identity (The Monkey, The Coed, The Boy Child) and then follow that up with discussions with our children about their online identity and digital footprints. Facebook is one such topic that we discuss frequently--and is actually one place I tend to protect more fiercely because it is the only place online that connects me to my children. As I am married to The Cop, our kids have several ways of looking at how people can use information they put out there in ways we might not have intended when we first post. I fully believe that, as we discuss our online identity, it is only but a facet of our entire identity. We choose what we want to put out there. We choose to share information. We choose how personal versus professional we get. And yet, even if I were to be wide open about names, faces, relationships, it still would only give you a part of my identity, by the very limitations of the medium. When I interact with you in person, I see you have a wonderful sense of humor, that may not otherwise come through when you write professionally. It's only by taking all these facets into consideration that I get a better picture of you, and vice versa. I only hope that when I blog--or podcast, or vlog, or meet people in person--that I am consistent and true to my own identity. In whatever way that might mean.
robin2go is now following Kevinoshea
Dec 2, 2009
robin2go is now following PinkPeonies
Dec 2, 2009
As you can tell from those who've commented before me, this is a question we all struggle with. My outlook has changed over the years, and I now have a relatively ubiquitous online presence as Robin2go. But what I have done is actually build the *brand* of Robin2go; if I create other personas, I dilute that brand. I believe Dean Brady's done an excellent job with his two personas: while he often retweets Targuman in his capacity as Dean, he doesn't hide either persona, but rather simply changes focus. I am clear as to the type of information I will get from each account. This is different from someone handling an institutional account, because you often don't know who's the voice behind the official tweets (Palmer Museum of Art, IST, PSU World Campus, etc.). My take on fractured identity is a bit different. I look at it in terms of the multiple types of technology I use in my online presence. I now have a typepad blog, but I'm trying to define what form it will take (Wonder Twin powers, ACTIVATE!). My PSU blog, Renegade Element, is where most of my professional blogging goes, since it is an extension of my portfolio. My entries in the Stuff blog are about technology that's up and coming. My posterous blog is commentary on things I stumble over (and take pictures of) while I'm out and about with my phone. My tumblr blog is commentary on things I stumble over while on the webs. My twitter account is all these various facets of "me" all rolled into one. I also have a personal blog that has gone mostly dormant because my other blogs cover the things I'm likely to cover. Where, then, does that leave a new blog? Is there room for it? Is it unnecessarily fracturing my online presence? Perhaps I'm only working with it as a test run. I haven't really come up with a solution, but if I can't answer this question, then technology for the sake of technology is pointless. It's why so many blogs--and technologies--are started, then abandoned, in favor for something else that actually does the job at hand. As always, your mileage may vary.
Toggle Commented Dec 2, 2009 on Fractured Identity at Mapping the Long Road
So I'm here, jumping onto the bandwagon, trying yet another platform for blogging. Suggested by Cole and reinforced by watching @cplong, @Targuman, @bkozlek, and @agyorke, I've added a blog to my existing account and now it's time to see what's under the hood. As others are posting and I respond, I see the initial allure of this platform; I can more readily see who has posted, who has commented, and where I have commented/posted/tweeted readily in my dashboard. That I can more readily see the aggregation of my content is highly desirable; what also pleases me over something like FriendFeed... Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2009 at disruptions2go
robin2go is now following Christian Johansen
Nov 30, 2009
robin2go is now following Jamie Oberdick
Nov 30, 2009
robin2go is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 30, 2009
robin2go is now following Allan Gyorke
Nov 30, 2009
robin2go is now following Brad
Nov 30, 2009
robin2go is now following Cole Camplese
Nov 30, 2009
robin2go is now following Christopher P. Long
Nov 30, 2009
You creeped the shit out of me. Despite the fact I think you're great, and that I know you're an actor. I say again, you creeped the shit out of me. I think that means it was teh awesome. Well done. More, please.
Toggle Commented Oct 23, 2008 on Criminal Minds: The Audition at WWdN: In Exile
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Oh. Dear. God. Quick, let me get my checkbook...
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