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Robin Lee Hatcher
My blog has relocated to All of my posts have been migrated to my new blog, so please join me there.
Recent Activity
True. Total fan girl. And I probably run a close second to you with the Colin Firth Pride & Prejudice mini-series. Sigh.
Movie You've Seen Ten Times or More?
So someone asked on Facebook about movies you've seen more than three times, but that number doesn't work for a writer because we tend to be obsessive. But I figure any true fan can be obsessive. So, is there a movie you've seen more than ten times? Here's the ones I'm admitting to: Bridget Jo...
Oh, I thought it was only movies. If TV series are in there, then the first and second seasons of Downton would be up to ten already. Probably not the third and definitely not the fourth ... yet.
Movie You've Seen Ten Times or More?
So someone asked on Facebook about movies you've seen more than three times, but that number doesn't work for a writer because we tend to be obsessive. But I figure any true fan can be obsessive. So, is there a movie you've seen more than ten times? Here's the ones I'm admitting to: Bridget Jo...
Kristin, I hate to admit to all of the movies I've seen ten or more times. My DVD collection is large. So here are some that I know I've seen at least ten.
Ben Hur. Sense & Sensibility. Pride & Prejudice. Gone With the Wind. An Ideal Husband. The Ten Commandments. Raiders of the Lost Ark. Friendly Persuasion. Toy Story. Tangled (and just about ever animated Disney film). Casablanca. About a Boy. Anna and the King. Bride & Prejudice (a Ballywood update of P&P). Dances with Wolves. Dave. Dirty Dancing. Ever After. Fiddler on the Roof. Field of Dreams. The Help.
Okay. I'd better stop. I really don't live in front of the TV, but it begins to sound that way.
Movie You've Seen Ten Times or More?
So someone asked on Facebook about movies you've seen more than three times, but that number doesn't work for a writer because we tend to be obsessive. But I figure any true fan can be obsessive. So, is there a movie you've seen more than ten times? Here's the ones I'm admitting to: Bridget Jo...
It's not cheating. It's being a total Fan Girl. LOL! And believe me, I resisted the urge to reveal too much. Aren't you proud of me?
Downton's Rewrite of Black History -- Spoilers if you haven't watched this week.
Okay, this storyline is annoying me. Does anyone know which year this is supposed to be? Because Benny Goodman is the man who created INTERRACIAL bands -- and it's an important point in musical history. (You know, I'm a huge 40's music fan.) In other words, a black man would not front a white orc...
Agreed. She annoys me. (And I just see that I typed Season for instead of Season Four. Sheesh!)
Downton's Rewrite of Black History -- Spoilers if you haven't watched this week.
Okay, this storyline is annoying me. Does anyone know which year this is supposed to be? Because Benny Goodman is the man who created INTERRACIAL bands -- and it's an important point in musical history. (You know, I'm a huge 40's music fan.) In other words, a black man would not front a white orc...
Kristin, I love listening to Michael Crawford. I have several of his albums. But what a shock it was for me when I realized that the Phantom (stage) was also the geeky store clerk in Hello, Dolly! (movie)
Voice is Keeping me Going!! (Michael Crawford!) #Nanowritmo
I was just on my way to get new jeans. I need them. But on my way, I heard Michael Crawford and wanted to come home to write. Interestingly, his voice is not that low. But it is SOOO full of drama and emotion. Oh my! I was like, get me to a computer! That's how much voice touches me. It makes me ...
I'm reading The Book Thief now. Using Whispersync to go back and forth between reading on my Kindle and listening on my iPhone. I'm not a huge fan of all the subtitles the author uses, but I am enjoying the story.
Loved the trailer!
The Book Thief Trailer
I haven't read this yet. Must do so before the movie is out. It looks fantastic, and I may have to go against my "no Nazi" movies. The only one I've watched thus far is the Indiana Jones's movie. I can't stand knowing that kind of evil exists. Just feel it too deeply, but I love the message of th...
You're cool in my house, if that's any help. ;-)
Turner Classic Movie Cruise
I'm not big on cruises -- I have a hard time staying still -- but I would LOVE to go on this cruise. Robert Osborne & Ben Mankiewicz will be there hosting classic films and discussions. I know that probably sounds highly boring to the rest of the world, but I would be in heaven! I was watch...
LOL! Not the most watched on every TV set. Just on *my* TV.
I have loved the early works they've shown recently of Eleanor Parker. Mostly I think of her from The Sound of Music, but she had some wonderful movies when she was so young that I'd never seen before. Loved "The Very Thought of You."
Turner Classic Movie Cruise
I'm not big on cruises -- I have a hard time staying still -- but I would LOVE to go on this cruise. Robert Osborne & Ben Mankiewicz will be there hosting classic films and discussions. I know that probably sounds highly boring to the rest of the world, but I would be in heaven! I was watch...
I would LOVE to do it with you, Kristin. TNT is my most watched channel.
Turner Classic Movie Cruise
I'm not big on cruises -- I have a hard time staying still -- but I would LOVE to go on this cruise. Robert Osborne & Ben Mankiewicz will be there hosting classic films and discussions. I know that probably sounds highly boring to the rest of the world, but I would be in heaven! I was watch...
He's a fine actor, so I'm hoping he can overcome this character in my mind. A character I really liked, BTW.
Colin Will NEVER Move Over...
"Death Comes to Pemberley" is going to be made into a film and therefore, there will be a new Darcy in town. He will be played by Matthew Rhys who was in "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" -- and I will admit...He LOOKS like Darcy. And he is a man, not a skinny kid, as played by Matthew MacFaydan in th...
The problem for me is that Matthew Rhys will always be the gay brother/lawyer in Brothers & Sisters.
Colin Will NEVER Move Over...
"Death Comes to Pemberley" is going to be made into a film and therefore, there will be a new Darcy in town. He will be played by Matthew Rhys who was in "The Mystery of Edwin Drood" -- and I will admit...He LOOKS like Darcy. And he is a man, not a skinny kid, as played by Matthew MacFaydan in th...
"Prints are for patios." That quote is one I heard in the 90's, and I've never forgotten it. And I have pictures of me in a few awnings, I think.
Love this Tweet. Let's lose the floral...
I'm so not a fan of floral. It reminds me of my early days as a Baptist when I dressed like I was going to a potluck 24/7. Thinking back, I cringe. It looks like it was the same time that Mrs. Doubtfire came out. Did I take my fashion tips from Robin Williams back in the day?
This Blog Will Be Closed Soon
After three years of posting my words of thanksgiving here in this thanksgiving blog, I have decided to relocate from the hosted service I now use and integrate my blog with my web site at If you currently subscribe to my Thanksgiving Journal, I hope you'll take a moment to visit (currently undergoing a redesign) and subscribe to get posts via email and/or subscribe to the RSS feed (to read in Google Reader, etc.). Check out the sidebar on my web site to find those links. Thank for spending time with me over the past three years. Hope... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2013 at Thanksgiving Journal
LOL! I think Trey boiled that down rather well. Still laughing
Darcy According to Trey...
They just finished the scene where Mr. Darcy proposes the first time. Which my son has ratcheted down to this: I'm great. You Suck. Your family sucks. Marry me because I'm so great. I'm sure his Brit Lit teacher appreciated that. So then, they had to discuss how THEY would propose. Something tell...
Giving Thanks: Day 210
Lord, I want to thank You today for the blessing of friends. You have given them to me in abundance. I've laughed so hard with them I thought our sides would explode. I've wept with them when I thought our hearts would break. When You formed us in our mothers' wombs, You made us to be in community with others. I thank You for both that need and for those who fill that need in my life. Bless them, Father. Amen. Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2012 at Thanksgiving Journal
PS This is an ebook only reissue of an out of print title. I love this book and am so glad to have it available once again to readers.
Speak to Me of Love by Robin Lee Hatcher
SPEAK TO ME OF LOVEOctober 2012 via Robin has always been one of my favorites. She can make me read historical OR contemporary. Pick up her latest!
Thanks for reposting this, Kristin. I appreciate it.
Speak to Me of Love by Robin Lee Hatcher
SPEAK TO ME OF LOVEOctober 2012 via Robin has always been one of my favorites. She can make me read historical OR contemporary. Pick up her latest!
Giving Thanks: Day 209
Lord, thank You for crisp fall mornings. The air smells so good. How blessed I am to wrap up in my soft pink robe (thank You for the color pink) with a mug of hot coffee held between my hands, steam rising. Thanks for the tree outside my office window that has changed from green to gold. And I love that sound that Pinky makes when she gets on my desk and stares at the finches at the bird feeder. It's so cute! What made You think of that small detail? Eternal, glorious God of the universe, You created many... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2012 at Thanksgiving Journal
Giving Thanks: Day 208
I'm going to change up the format of my thanksgiving posts a bit. I'm desiring to learn to better practice the presence of God in the moments of my day, and this is one way I mean to do it. Lord, I'm amazed by Pinky's whiskers. Look how exactly You positioned each one of them. I realize they have a real function, but those white whiskers just look so pretty against her sleek black coat. You didn't have to make them pretty, but You did. And speaking of her coat, her tuxedo markings are perfection. I love that she rolls... Continue reading
Posted Sep 25, 2012 at Thanksgiving Journal
Good news. The Colin Firth version isn't 8 hours. It is only a delightful 5 hours and 23 minutes. Extra lovely on the Blu-Ray version.
Robin, who is watching it now thanks to your blog post
The time has finally come...
I've tried to force it. Tried to rush the issue with the "Illustrated Version" but no one has bitten. It was not like the illustrated version of "The Hobbit" which I had to hobble through. No, like a fine wine, its time has finally come to natural fruition. One of my children has to read, "Pride ...
So glad it was helpful and that you found it.
A Writer's Good Friend: Kindle Notes & Highlights
Recently, a number of writer friends have switched from the use of Kindles to the Nook or stated they are thinking of doing so. They've had different reasons for buying a new Nook. Always wanting to stay informed, I decided to do a little research about features and pros and cons to the differen...
Giving Thanks: Day 207
Today I am thankful to God: … for words that flow from my imagination to the display on my desk. … for being the Great Creator who made us in His image, allowing us to be creative too. … for the majesty found in the words of David in Psalm 139! Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2012 at Thanksgiving Journal
Giving Thanks: Day 206
Today I'm thankful to God for: … long phone calls with my daughter in Texas. … fun evenings with my daughter in Idaho. … for my six grandchildren, who I love bunches and bunches and miss having them all be still little and living nearby. Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2012 at Thanksgiving Journal
Giving Thanks: Day 205
Today I am thankful to God for: … people who speak kindly into difficult situations and bring peace to others rather than making more trouble. … my good neighbors, especially the one who thinks my dog has a "cheery" bark. … laughter with friends, truly the best medicine for whatever ails me. Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2012 at Thanksgiving Journal
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