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Rob Fairbanks
Recent Activity
Alternative Politic
If you say you are a Christian, it is not an option – you must begin with theology (who is God, who am I before Him and what does He desire), rather than nationalism or partisanship (what is best for our country or the party I belong to) in discerning... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2017 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Moving Into the Neighborhood - Guest Blogger, Holly Clark
From guest blogger, Holly Clark. Holly serves on the Leadership Team at Immanuel Church. --------------------------------------- The Message version of John 1 puts it this way, “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” Literally Jesus became flesh and blood and starting living with us in our neighborhoods,... Continue reading
Posted Sep 11, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Yeah, you guys have lived a grand adventure. Along the way, you have gained a perspective that few have. I'm proud of you both.
A Call for the Church to Repent
I have long felt like my calling in life has been to help change the mind of the church. Jesus made it clear that he came to proclaim the good news that the Kingdom of God was near. The imperatives related to this declaration were for his followers to believe and repent (Mark 1). Repentance, whi...
A Call for the Church to Repent
I have long felt like my calling in life has been to help change the mind of the church. Jesus made it clear that he came to proclaim the good news that the Kingdom of God was near. The imperatives related to this declaration were for his followers to believe... Continue reading
Posted Jun 22, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
The journey wouldn't be what it is without you, my love. BTW - I'm gonna start flexing like that all the time now. "DO IT!" Grrrrrr.
Living into the Now
As some of you know, I spent a stint of time in the hospital this week. I blacked out a few time, took an unwanted ride in an ambulance and was pricked and prodded with no clear answer for the “why” behind the episodes. I am home now and as you might guess, I have been feeling quite introspectiv...
You and I are restless souls - huh? Both a curse and blessing.
Living into the Now
As some of you know, I spent a stint of time in the hospital this week. I blacked out a few time, took an unwanted ride in an ambulance and was pricked and prodded with no clear answer for the “why” behind the episodes. I am home now and as you might guess, I have been feeling quite introspectiv...
Living into the Now
There’s nothing like spending a 24 hours with Doctors thinking you’ve had a heart attack to get you into a “thinking about your personal mortality” space. Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Thanks, Rita. Also, thanks for the prayers. That means a lot to me. I hope we get a chance to share time again in the future down the road a piece.
Discernment and my Broken Soul
While enjoying a wonderful break with my family in Seaside, Oregon, I was able to carve out enough time to read Henri Nouwen's perceptive book entitled, Discernment. In the book, he makes several statements regarding how he spent much of his life craving affirmation, attention and acceptance ...
Come by Here, Holy Spirit
I came across this lovely and challenging poem for Pentecost Sunday by Mark Berry (Here). Waiting, Waited, Flame Breather, Life Teaser, Sweet Essence, Hard Presence, Pulsing Blood, Sweeping Flood Storm Force, Water Source, Deepest Kiss, Draining Bliss, Motivator, Love Creator, Hearts Gripped, Conventions Ripped, Fire Poured, Winds Roar, Whisper, Whisper,... Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
One of the core values of Immanuel is, "We will live with and toward one another, but not rely on each other for what only God can provide."
Easier said than done, huh?
Discernment and my Broken Soul
While enjoying a wonderful break with my family in Seaside, Oregon, I was able to carve out enough time to read Henri Nouwen's perceptive book entitled, Discernment. In the book, he makes several statements regarding how he spent much of his life craving affirmation, attention and acceptance ...
Thanks, Holl's! It is a challenging thing. In this way, I thing and I are quite alike. Bummer for you. ;)
Discernment and my Broken Soul
While enjoying a wonderful break with my family in Seaside, Oregon, I was able to carve out enough time to read Henri Nouwen's perceptive book entitled, Discernment. In the book, he makes several statements regarding how he spent much of his life craving affirmation, attention and acceptance ...
Discernment and my Broken Soul
While enjoying a wonderful break with my family in Seaside, Oregon, I was able to carve out enough time to read Henri Nouwen's perceptive book entitled, Discernment. In the book, he makes several statements regarding how he spent much of his life craving affirmation, attention and acceptance of others. He... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Behold the Wonders God is Doing with All People?
One of the Psalms I used this morning for prayers was Psalm 66:4 “Come now and see the works of God, how wonderful he is in his doing toward all people.” It is obviously an invitational Psalm. Come and see! Behold! As I prayed it over and over, I found... Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
A Prayer for Shalom in an Insane World
Desert father Abba Anthony said, “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying, ‘You are mad, you are not like us.’ ” While reading the news this morning I was struck with how out of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
A Prayer Litany - Lent 2
The following are prayers we offered at Immanuel this morning, the 2nd Sunday of Lent. The text this morning was Mark 8:27-38. Feel free to pray along with us. Peace. God of all creation, we pray for the needs of our world. We pray for peace for those places torn... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Grace to the "Humbled"
embarrass [em-bar-uh s]: to cause confusion and shame to; make uncomfortably self-conscious; disconcert; abash Awesome! That is the only word I can come up with for it. Last night while teaching at Whitworth a couple of my students snickered to each other to which I asked, “Is there something I... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Book Review: Kingdom Conspiracy by Scot McKnight
Do you wear skinny jeans or pleated pants? Kind of a funny question, but those are the metaphors theologian Scot McKnight uses to describe two prevailing and popular views of the Kingdom of God in his book, Kingdom Conspiracy. The first view, skinny jeans, predictably represents a more current approach... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2015 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Speak Life
What would it be like for us if the harm we do with our words had immediate physical manifestations in the person we harm? In other words, if I gossiped about someone, they were to get a corresponding gash on their forehead. Or if I were to slander someone with... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2014 at the drum|rob fairbanks
Thanks for writing William. While it not a completely easy thing to explain in a comment, the gist of how I would deal with those particular texts would be to read them forward. What I mean by that is I would read them in light of Paul’s other comments regarding new creation (II Corinthians 5; Col 3:11 - how we see each other in light of Christ’s work) which does not make the same distinctions regarding male and female. Some are comfortable with Paul’s language regarding female submission, while side-stepping, their exegesis when it comes to head covers, braids, jewelry and expensive clothing, and women being silent in church. In Christ, we are new creations! The guiding question for me is, when that new creation is consummated, will women be subjugated to men? While some may be able to conjure that image, in light of Paul’s language, it does not seem to be the way. So, in my comment about reading the text front ways or back, if we read back we make those texts referring to subjugating woman literal. If we read forward, we interpret them through the lens of equality.
I am not writing to persuade you one way or the other. It may not be satisfactory for you, but for me it seems to embrace a more sensible, honorable and whole Bible approach.
Again, thanks for weighing in. I really appreciate it.
I Like Women - Part 2
In a post from last December (CLICK HERE), I apologized to the women in my world. It was more a philosophical apology, because even before my shift in positions (complementarianism v. egalitarianism) I worked hard to insure respect for everyone I have been privileged to journey with, difference ...
Is "the" Dave McConkey? Sheesh! If it is, how are you? It has been way too long. How are you?
Sorry for the use of the word "subjugation." Certainly not the right word. It really just muddied the waters regarding the real issue. I apologize.
As for the rest, I am honestly not attempting to sidestep the challenging texts anymore than anyone else. The real conundrum is seeing how many handle the challenging texts, picking and choosing which ones are applicable to their context and which ones are not. I am referring to the no braids, head covers and jewelry stuff. We share the same history in as much as I held a complementarian position, but did a dance around the incongruent sections. In other words, I was forced into contextualizing some of it, while holding on to the “women not teaching or no authority” part…even though I do not know an evangelical church that literally silences women completely (although, that doesn’t mean there aren’t any – I just don’t know of them). I am simply trying to live into an interpretive approach that is as consistent as possible.
The Directional Hermeneutic that I have sketched out is the closest to that consistency I have found.
Lastly, and I say this ever so humbly because I don’t want you to think that this is why I changed my position, I thought I liked women before too. The grieving part for me was, it wasn’t until I struggled my way to a non-complementarian position that women in my life were honest enough to tell me that I had hurt them with my position. Don’t get me wrong…they were kind and gracious and patient, but confided that they felt diminished and disempowered by me. In a word, I may have thought I liked women, but they didn’t feel completely liked. Frankly, that breaks my heart.
Thanks for your thoughts. I wish we could hang out face to face. Peace!
I Like Women - Part 2
In a post from last December (CLICK HERE), I apologized to the women in my world. It was more a philosophical apology, because even before my shift in positions (complementarianism v. egalitarianism) I worked hard to insure respect for everyone I have been privileged to journey with, difference ...
Thanks Diane. I am glad that the post was helpful. For me, a more eschatological approach is both freeing and in many ways de-complicating.
I Like Women - Part 2
In a post from last December (CLICK HERE), I apologized to the women in my world. It was more a philosophical apology, because even before my shift in positions (complementarianism v. egalitarianism) I worked hard to insure respect for everyone I have been privileged to journey with, difference ...
Thanks for dropping in Andrew. I am a slow learner. But, I am also a committed learner. :) Peace to you my friend.
I Like Women - Part 2
In a post from last December (CLICK HERE), I apologized to the women in my world. It was more a philosophical apology, because even before my shift in positions (complementarianism v. egalitarianism) I worked hard to insure respect for everyone I have been privileged to journey with, difference ...
Without an approach to reading and interpreting the Bible, a person is left with a myopic literalist only view. Scripture insists on being read with a variety of approaches. As we talked about earlier this week, a missional hermeneutic insures we are reading along the grain that God intended taking into consideration that directional pull of its "telos" or goal. Without this redemptive approach, we are stuck with things that made sense in context (ex. - OT sacrificial practices and NT Holy Kissing) but may not be as applicable for the unfolding story.
The real challenge then is discerning which is which. One of the tools I use is described in the blog. Where is the story going and how does it impact the particular text being looked at?
I Like Women - Part 2
In a post from last December (CLICK HERE), I apologized to the women in my world. It was more a philosophical apology, because even before my shift in positions (complementarianism v. egalitarianism) I worked hard to insure respect for everyone I have been privileged to journey with, difference ...
I Like Women - Part 2
In a post from last December (CLICK HERE), I apologized to the women in my world. It was more a philosophical apology, because even before my shift in positions (complementarianism v. egalitarianism) I worked hard to insure respect for everyone I have been privileged to journey with, difference in gender... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2014 at the drum|rob fairbanks
The Reconciliation of All Things
"The Church is not to be defined by what it is, but by that End to which it moves." Lesslie Newbigin What will the end times be like? Not the tribulation, scary stuff, frightenly described in Revelation…or the “Left Behind” series. A bloody moon, catastrophic wars, demons thrown into lakes... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2014 at the drum|rob fairbanks
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