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Interests: Cycling, Wales, reading, sport, video editing
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At last! I've waited 18 months for this. iPad and Typepad should be a perfect partnership.
Blogging with your iPad; Blogsy + TypePad Make it Happen
Giveaway has ended. Winners will be announced on February 3rd, 2012. We've heard from many of you that blogging on TypePad from your iPad has needed improvement. Your feedback prompted us to team up with our new heroes over at Blogsy to integrate TypePad into their truly stellar iPad app. It's a...
robskinner is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
'Take-out' - gosh, you're almost an American!
Edelman Mid-Year Trust: Everyone distrusts politicians. The end for democracy? (Clue: No)
My former employers, Edelman, have started publishing mid-year updates to their tradtitonal annual Trust Barometer. I was pitched some of the key findings by their NY office which contained mainly key US or global insights. The main take-out for me was that trust in business was on the up – ...
Sorry, I came late to this one.
I'm not a fan of Mandelson's supercilious style, and have criticised his interview evasions on my blog ( but this time I rather admired his gutsy performance. The way he asked Marr what Blears had actually said was a masterstroke. Can't say I was convinced that Brown never wanted to move Darling, but no one could have turned the reshuffle into a PR triumph.
Mandelson v. Marr: Master class or disaster class – you decide
On Sunday’s Andrew Marr show I think Lord Peter Mandelson totally obliterated Marr. Mandelson was cool, calm and confident while Marr became more flustered as Mandelson continued to pick holes in Marr’s frequently inaccurate and vacuous questions. At least that was my take on the interview. It w...
Your analysis is absolutely spot on. One of the best commentaries on the BNP's election success I've seen anywhere.
We need more hope and less hate to defeat the BNP
PR Week has another story on how the BNP managed to win two seats in the European parliament: 'Hope Not Hate' campaign 'did not connect' with communities Questions have been asked about a recent UK campaign 'to counter racism and fascism' following the BNP's success in the European elections. ...
I share your view that social media shouldn't require a separate code. Professional practice should apply regardless of the discipline. In time, we'll consider it quaint that anyone once thought it necessary to create a separate code for social media.
Can trade associations ‘get’ social media?
Both the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) and the Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) have published papers on social media this week. One thing they appear to have in common is that neither was very good. Amelia Torode attended the launch of the IPA’s social media rese...
Just spotted this. It's amusing and believable - we've all had similar 'we need to do something' conversations at work! But Labour needs to remember that using viral marketing and social media in itself is not enough. Back in the real world, people are losing their jobs, companies are going bust and the Government's cunning plans to get banks lending again are having little impact. This piece of playground politics is unlikely to impress voters who don't know if they will have a job next month.
Will Labour’s shadow cabinet web chat go viral?
Not sure what I think of this. I like the idea, just not to sure about the implementation. The only bit that really made me laugh was “William Hague (available for speeches, weddings and hen nights) has logged on. hi sorry am late. had a prior engagement”. And that joke was too far in. Good idea...
Esme's a great hire. But I wonder whether you've followed equal opps - you seemed to help the candidate out with some of the answers!
Wolfstar’s new Head of Baby Relations
Wolfstar really wants to do public relations and marketing for a baby related client – we nearly all have young babies and toddlers so we know want people with babies want! With this in mind I’ve drafted in some help from an expert: Technorati Tags: baby, marketing, public relations, PR
Good to see you back in action!
I've a lot of sympathy for your argument. It's very hard to have a serious debate in Britain without the media - not just political commentators - getting hysterical. The list is endless: taxation, new homes, immigration, nuclear power, political party funding the EU...
I'm a big fan of keeping news and opinion apart (feel free to call me naive), but the line between the two is now well and truly blurred. And let no-one claim this is a new development - as anyone who remembers the Daily Mail 'news' pages in triumphant mood after the 1979 election will recall.
You're right to remind us that people go into politics for honourable reasons. And in the haze of accusations about sleeze it's worth remembering that few enter politics for personal gain. (Anyone who does is likely to be disappointed very quickly!) But you make it sound as if politicians are totally innocent victims, who have never indulged in spin or misinformation.
The problem, of course, is the age old one of getting the rival parties to recognise that Punch and Judy playground politics is a real turn off for voters. Playing to the gallery is addictive - but destructive. A bidding war of unrealistic promises at election time leaves everyone feeling cheated.
Politicians need to play it straight - keep your promises, play it straight and treat people as adults. Use blogs, podcasts and other means to communicate directly with voters. (But make sure you talk their language, not Westminster-speak.) Then you'll have a chance...
Campaign against political journalists and commentators
My old media relations tutor used to say "Laddy, never pick a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel". Well times change Colin and I'm picking a fight. Paulie at Never Trust A Hippy has started a worthy campaign against political journalists and commentators. Bravo. I am unable to watch an...
Another interesting post. After 7 months as a blogger, I've got a lot to learn, so your comments and links are really helpful. One of the great things about blogging is keeping an open mind about new tools and giving them a go. I've started using Google Reader (in beta only I think at present) which I like.
My top five social media tools
The problem with this meme lark is that it gets time-consuming if you do too many. However, David Tebbutt has 'tagged' me to continue a meme started by Drew to name your five favourite/most useful blogging tools. Mine are: 1) Typepad - despite the outages it is still the best platform to introdu...
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