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Editorial cartoonist for Expresso (Portugal)
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The way I see it, we can and should use the swastika as what it is - a symbol of the far-right - if that's the target we want to hit. It would be ridiculous to consider such use of a symbol as promoting the values of that political movement, once it is used antagonistically, to criticize it.
I'd go a little bit further and underline that the real danger we’re facing here is actually coming from the social media themselves and their algorithms that lead to the removal of our cartoons. By not allowing these critical views against the extremist factions (with the naïve idea that hiding the symbols makes the problems disappear) they’re not preventing their promotion. On the contrary: they are protecting them.
Editorial: portraying extreme right in cartoons
Cartoon by Marian Kamensky The win of far right political party Sweden Democrats in Sweden (they won about 20% of the vote) prompted a lot of cartoons this week. Drawing cartoons about the extreme right always brings the challenge of which symbols to use. One symbol comes to mind immediately, a...
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Sep 26, 2022
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