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Norman Rogers
Recent Activity
I have had to use that stuff because of things my children have rigged for me to trip over going down the stairs (don't ask).
Silly string can actually be a liability. First, the "string" material isn't very heavy. Second, the can is pressurized. You can't really go around with aerosol cans, now can you? Third, I'll tell you what works--you send your kid ahead of you.
Need to clear a room? Need to look for booby traps? Send someone on ahead who can afford to fall down the stairs and/or set off a suspended Claymore mine.
And, no. I won't respond to any further questions. I think we just need to let it lie. Thank you.
Interesting questions
OK I have a couple of out there questions that I invite commentary on. I will explain why at a later date. Has anyone run into the use of Silly String to clear paths or hallways for trip wires, I have heard of it in training courses, but has anyone actually done it or knows of it being done? The...
That's all well and good, but how does all of this square with me being able to do whatever I want to do and buy things I cannot afford?
We're talking the youth of today, right? Did I wander in from Tumblr and forget to post about the piercings I got at the mall?
All kidding aside, the outcry over having to do something that benefits our society would be so loud, no one would be able to hear themselves think. Forget the kids and their carping and complaining. Think of what the parents would do to get their kid out of having to mop floors or stand still for twenty minutes.
Michael Caine on how to save England
Michael Caine has a new movie out called Harry Brown about a crusty old Brit who has had enough of the drugged-out violence and starts whacking bad guys. Unsurprisingly he has caught a fair ration of shite about that from the same weak-kneed, spineless weasels who created a society where there i...
Exactly right, sir. My bad.
Those bastards needed stringing up, and the war time powers of the President, no matter who he is, must be respected.
Bagram detainees denied habeas
Sweet. Some good news for our security, and the pleasant prospect of some heads exploding all over the left. What a great Friday so far. From the NYT. WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled on Friday that prisoners being held without trial in Afghanistan by the military have no right to cha...
Norman Rogers is now following Bill Cosby
Jan 26, 2010
Norman Rogers is now following Norman Rogers
Jan 26, 2010
Norman Rogers is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 23, 2009
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