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Maybe I'm wrong, but The Sandbox is currently in alpha. There are some rather brief testing periods when the world can actually be used, then it closes again for further improvements. So I guess the numbers in terms of visits and users are not that relevant, since the world is not really open yet?
Can Anyone Explain Why The Sandbox Would Be Valued at $4 Billion With So Few Users or Buyers?
Headscratcher of the day: The Sandbox, a platform that allows users to trade and monetize virtual assets in the Ethereum blockchain, is considering raising fresh funds at a valuation of more than $4 billion, according to people familiar with the matter. The company is looking to raise about $...
Maybe this got mentioned somewhere, but please realize that Horizon Worlds is not available yet in Meta's second largest market, Europe.
What Meta's 300,000 Horizon Users Means for the Metaverse
The Verge's Alex Heath has a good scoop on Horizon Worlds which finally gives us a concrete number around its Metaverse efforts to date: [Meta's] chief product officer, Chris Cox, gave employees a previously unreported update on Horizon’s user growth. He said that since Horizon Worlds was rol...
I think a category like NFT is a bit broad. Yes, there are Othering-like phenomena, but there are also marketing claims of very concrete projects such as in the indie fashion industry, often building bridges between physical and virtual realms.
Where Do Virtual Worlds, the Metaverse, VR, NFTs & Cryptocurrency Sit on Klingebiel's Hype Scale?
Forget about Gartner's Hype Cycle for a moment -- which after all, having been around since 1995, has lost much its hype-- here's a really interesting chart from researcher Johannes Klingebiel for thinking about hype. (At right; to read each category description, click to embiggenate.) Backgrou...
I'm not a Facebook fan, far from it. But I think there is more about Facebook Reality Labs than the Quest and the latest user numbers. I think Facebook is taking a long term perspective here. They don't care too much about VR in the next quarter or the next year. They are building for a future ten years away. That future will not be the Quest, but some fancy glasses full of AR/VR/AI technology. There will be smart Facebook glasses next year, and that will just be one step into the direction of real AR glasses. The main thing about these glasses is that they will allow for creating living dat structures from the point of view (literally) of the user. These structures together with hardware innovations will allow the building of a digital virtual assistent.
Maybe that the AR-project (which builds on a lot of the VR stuff they do) will fail too, but even that is not too important, because they'll learn a lot about human behavior and AI while doing all this stuff, and that knowledge will find its way into other Facebook projects.
Zuckerberg Wants Oculus Quest 2 to Sell 10 Million Units. The First Quest Hardly Sold 1 Million.
Admittedly I haven't been following the unveiling of Oculus Quest 2 and all of Facebook's other VR/AR-related announcements this week as closely as I once did. (Owing to, you know, their sheer and total Facebook-itude.) But I should note this interesting point CEO Mark Zuckerberg made in an in...
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Sep 19, 2020
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