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Are you wishing away 2014 or are you anticipating a Lord of the Rings trilogy exploring the sensemake landscape that will take 14 months to complete.
Learning SenseMaker
I’m in Antrim, Northern Ireland tomorrow, working with a bunch of smart people who are using SenseMaker to understand patients’ experience of healthcare across the region - it’s called the 10,000 Voices project. We met a few months ago, when I ran a one-day introduction to the principles of Sens...
An excellent well thought through response especially on the poisonous narrative. It's ironic that when ecologists working in conservation begin to try and control their particular nature reserve they are taunted with the phrase "wildlife gardener". So beware the gardening domain its rather complicated.
Understanding narratives - the reality of counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency
Yesterday, the House of Commons saw some to-and-fro rhetoric between the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition around counter-terrorism in the wake of the Algerian attack and its aftermath. It's important to recognise within the wide context of the news stories and the political analys...
Likewise, so jealous of the pics of all the hexagons, smiley faces and Belgian beer.
SenseMaker in Europe - building momentum
Friday saw the second informal meeting of European Cognitive Edge practitioners. And great conversations were had as it feels like there's momentum building for the network in Europe - with a core group of people looking to get things going in Europe. But first things first. We'd managed to ge...
Rondon is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 21, 2010
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