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I'm here to write as much as I can, while I can!
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A note from Ronjon: Most of this autobiography that you will read is meant for young people that may not know what the right path in life is. This book shows them that the path I took, they definitely don’t want take that one. I’m sure that whoever is reading this introduction, knows someone; whether it be an relative, a friend or a friend of a friend that may benefit from my mistakes, and if that person needs a little kick in the butt, to show him or her, that life is precious, and not to waste it, sitting in... Continue reading
Reblogged May 30, 2014 at ronjonwriter's blog
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Posted May 30, 2014 at ronjonwriter's blog
Have 4 new books out now, you can check them out...
Have 4 new books out now, you can check them out at, www.http//ebooksby Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2012 at ronjonwriter's blog
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Dec 13, 2011
Sex in Cyberspace
Well folks, here is the controversial book that you have heard so many people talking about, "Sex in Cyberspace," and it is all of the facts that you don't hear about the social network dating site's. I am not what you call a polished writer, I write it like I see it, no holds bared, and you can believe me when I say, that what you are about to read is the honest truth, something you don't get too much of now days. Being a writer, I saw something that I think people should know about; the pros, and the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2011 at ronjonwriter's blog
Getting Tagged
Well folks, here is the controversial book that you have heard so many people talking about, "GETTING TAGGED," and it is all of the facts that you don't hear about the social network dating site's. I am not what you call a polished writer, I write it like I see it, no holds bared, and you can believe me when I say, that what you are about to read is the honest truth, something you don't get too much of now days. Being a writer, I saw something that I think people should know about; the pros, and the cons... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2011 at ronjonwriter's blog
ronjonwriter is now following Almekhlafi
Sep 20, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Mozilla Ten
Sep 10, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Astrala
Sep 6, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Maddy
Aug 18, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Tribecalledkwest
Aug 5, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Out and About and Away
Aug 2, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Jul 31, 2010
First let me say, you write very well! It is nice to meet you, and I hope that we can become friends. I would like to give you my first book, "An Unbelievable Beginning". It is an autobiography like you have never read before. This is the first of 15 plus books, and I have decided to give away 1 or 2 books to get it rolling, as word of mouth is the best advertisement. Check it out, most people say, "Once I started it, I couldn't put it down". Hey the price is right. GoTo [email protected] and ask for book 1 and I'll get it to you ASAP! Take care, Ronjon
PS, Anyone can get this offer!
The Aftermath (5)
So what would you do if you caught your ho of an Economics Professor fuckin your man? Tough question huh? Well... I found myself wondering what my next move would be after I witnessed that madness. A part of me wanted to bust them right then, but I'm not that impulsive. I knew my girl Biotta wo...
Nice to meet you, and I hope that we can become friends. To start this, I would like to give you my first book for free, no strings! It is an autobiography like you have never read before! Just GoTo [email protected] and ask for book 1, and I'll send it to you ASAP, anyone can take advantage of this offer, as word of mouth is the best advertisement. Enjoy and take care. Ronjon
What's the single most important piece of technology you own?
so much rain in Vancouver...but the only place where it feels good it is in a rainforest. TypePad Conversations » Answer this question!
ronjonwriter is now following obamawire
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Sue Xsblast
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following freemoovee
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Charlesb
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following SIRAJ
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Jul 22, 2010
ronjonwriter is now following Account Deleted
Jul 22, 2010
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