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Rose Bradbury
Recent Activity
That's brilliant! I've always wondered that about the C, P numbers. Well done tfl!
How London buses are numbered - TfL come up trumps!
I tweeted yesterday that I'd received the most interesting email I'd ever been sent. I think that's still true. As a Planner, I'm supposed to be interested in everything. Well, regardless of whether I should or shouldn't be interested in everything, I am. It's just the person I am. When I don't ...
Hmmm, those desks look very similar to the ones we see in rural Ethiopia. What's so very humbling is the children's zeal to work overshadows their lack of resources, so they learn sitting on the dirt or on lumps of mud.
Sitting At A Student Desk
Schools differ on many levels. Some schools are located in the city with limited play fields. Some schools are have limited technology. Some schools have active parents teachers groups. But you would expect most schools to have desks for their students. In rural Congo, you will find many ...
Good blog. I think utilising green technologies has to be acknowledged as an important part of the development of any country.
It's Time To Be Innovative and 'Green' in Congo
Henry Ford said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Often I think of the Bulape Hospital's lack of water. They want the water restored to the hospital. The original water system got its water from a natural water spring located over two miles, do...
Rose Bradbury is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 22, 2010
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