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Rosemary West
Recent Activity
Beautiful work, a loss to us all. Thank you for sharing his art with us all.
Toggle Commented Jul 27, 2013 on Alex Colville Dies at 92 at Dog Art Today
1 reply
It would color the world of the parents, not the miracle of the birth. As humans, we want things to be perfect, spotless, exciting, or beautiful and I know there is nothing wrong with those expectations. Trust me on this one- all children are perfect, spotless, exciting, and beautiful at any given moment in time.....if you have your eyes and heart open.
Rosemary West is now following Head Elf for Mrs. P
Jul 11, 2013
April begins with dewy breezes and glimpses of new life. As wintertime ebbs away, I'm thankful for nurturing souls. Do these folks realize the importance they play in our lives? They can awaken wonderful changes through the simple impact of optimistic words, encouragement, or guidance. Take none of these acts... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2012 at Rosemary Writes
Rosemary West is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 5, 2012