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I'm a freelance writer and editor with a great husband, a mostly wonderful but occasionally trying preschooler, and a new baby girl.
Interests: buffy, world affairs, language study, czech republic, cooking, parenting, politics, baking, international travel, post-communist issues, montana, spooks
Recent Activity
Thank you, Julia! That means a lot. I will definitely leave a forwarding address if it comes to that. I appreciate your taking the time to write.
Goodbye, for now
I really apologize to the few of you who still check in here. I never meant for my dad's obituary to be the last post of my blog. Somehow, though, I lost my blogging feeling after he died, and just about the time it was coming back, 2010 came along to smack us down some more. Head injury for Con...
rosenleaf is now following Nancy
Jan 13, 2010
Where do you think I learned it? :) Thanks, Mom!
Cheap is the new black
If I come across one more first-person account describing how the recession has helped someone “discover” that coupons are not only for cranky elderly ladies, I’m going to have to gouge out my eyes. Probably with my couponing scissors. Come to think of it, I’d like to declare a moratorium on all...
Thanks, Thomas. I also wonder about the polarization--especially since it seems to be getting worse, not better.
Open letter
Dear Republican senators Charles E. Grassley, Orrin Hatch, Richard Shelby and your 52 other colleagues in the Senate and House of Representatives who steadfastly and on principal oppose a public option, despite being on Medicare: Must be nice. Not only do you have access to what has to be consid...
rosenleaf is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 25, 2009
Thanks, Tracie, and sorry to hear about your husband! I hope something will turn up soon. Do you have your FB page linked to your blog? I'll have to check it out.
Closer to 40 than 30 as of today, I thought I'd better not waste any time returning to the blog. Would that I had some exciting news to share or, well, any news to share other than my birthday. Perhaps the most interesting news is that we're more than a month into UnemploymentFest 2009 (Better t...
You know, I'm not sure. But I wouldn't say my butt has appreciably widened as a result of cable. Of course, it was pretty wide to start out with, so there's that.
The "spirit" of "service"
If by service you mean offering a half-assed apology and little else. I have stuck by Qwest (The Spirit of Service!) since moving back to the States four years ago but I called today to switch over my phone and Internet service to Bresnan. You see, when I returned home from the store (where I we...
I don't think it has changed. The second generation almost always learns the language of the host country, while the first generation toils to get to that better life for their kids. Singing the national anthem in Spanish doesn't mean they're not learning English.
Moreover, as I've said before on this blog, a little second-language-learning would not hurt anyone in this country.
English acquisition
"I think the national anthem ought to be sung in English. People who want to be a citizen of this country ought to learn English, and they ought to learn to sing the national anthem in English." --Our Dear Leader, April 28, 2006, quoted widely (full article here) And, though I'm sure I won't be ...
Maybe that's it.
Sedation is sounding better and better. I even had a beer the other night for the first time in ages. Perhaps I could start with some heavy drinking...
I'm obviously posting on a much lighter schedule this week, thanks mostly to a busy work week and what Alice would call the "stabby stabbiness" of trying to plan and execute a house purchase and move. Every time I think I have a handle on the idea of spending more money than we seemingly will ev...
Sher, I like the way you think! If only they weren't already gone...
Running on fumes!
Yesterday we drove home from Great Falls after a delightful Easter weekend involving all the standard holiday delights: eggs in abundance, Easter grass underfoot, children hopped up on sugar, and parents swiping the good peanut butter eggs. It was such a delightful weekend, in fact, that neither...
Again I agree with you. Those sorts of logical things happen in Canada. Not so much in my own home country...
Not exactly mother of the year
In the department of why sex ed and legal abortion are important comes this story carried widely in Montana newspapers. For those of you who don't want to make the link jump, I'll summarize. An 18-year-old mother left her infant--clad only in pajamas--on the doorstep of a neighbor in the middle ...
I agree. When I mentioned those items, it was only a partial list of things that might have an outside chance of someday getting somewhere legislatively in the United States, where we can't even bear to guarantee unpaid maternity leave for all women.
When my son was born, I was living in the Czech Republic. There, all women get maternity and child pay. In fact, they just raised the maternity benefit to more than $700 per month! I would get behind that in a second. But that's never going to happen, not in a country where we allow millions of children and adults to go without basic healthcare.
Not exactly mother of the year
In the department of why sex ed and legal abortion are important comes this story carried widely in Montana newspapers. For those of you who don't want to make the link jump, I'll summarize. An 18-year-old mother left her infant--clad only in pajamas--on the doorstep of a neighbor in the middle ...
There are tablecloths at the Stockman? Since when?
Give us another chance, Abra. The tablecloths are gone and it's all beef, all grime, all beer, all the time at the Stockman Bar.
There's windy, and then there's WINDY
Connery's eye is recovering quite nicely, assuming that you by nicely you mean looking like he went 10 rounds with Rocky. He is coping well, however, telling anyone who will listen that it is "a small cut on my eye." Quite an adventure for him, more gray hair and shaved-off years for me. As usua...
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