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Erin Paisley-Stueber
Interests: art, etc..., babies, softness, tender hearts, swedish meatballs, rootbeer floats
Recent Activity
As always, Helen, you give me far too much credit...but thank you so much!!! It really keeps me going. Youre the best!
Thank you Carmen! It means a lot.
And oh my goodness, I love your embroideries! You are one talented lady!
Im so happy to hear that saying bag with a long a isnt limited to us Wisconsinites...and few of us at that. It seems that Im always teased about it by my fellow natives. Well hey, what do they know anyway?
I woke up this morning, after a completely...
I woke up this morning, after a completely sleepless night due to allergies, to my boys building castles for "warrior Santa Clause" and Ruza slow dancing by herself to Sam Cooke. Beautiful beyond words. Now I just have to get a picture of that tough Santa. I have one little thing to share, a...
Thanks Alyssa! Im really nervous, the opening is going on right now. Ill never know whats said, but my heart is still pounding just thinking about it.
Lost at sea opening today
I've been here so long you must be lost at sea, you couldn't possibly live without me
Thank you! That is such an honor. I have to admit that Im really nervous for this thing...
and Im not even there. Bleh. I dont know why but I feel totally ridiculous and totally naked. Your kind words always make me feel better. :)
Lost at sea opening today
I've been here so long you must be lost at sea, you couldn't possibly live without me
Helen, you are the sweetest. Thank YOU.
It's a new day
Hello world. I feel as if I am doing this for the very first time. The winds are shifting around here and great change is taking place in our lives. I am extremely excited about it all. Many of you visit me because of my illustrations in Frankie Magazine. I am so grateful for that intervie...
Thank you!! After all, whats a fox without her tail?!
Anyway...joint the wrists and thumbs, big time. I almost feel like I cant grasp anything anymore. Not like I used to, anyway. I really hope these work, Ill let you know. However I just saw some similar at Joannes today for $16.99, and you could use a coupon!! Im not sure how flimsy they are, but say that theyre designed by an orthapedic surgeon. Maybe for 40% off, that cant be beat. Ill keep you posted.
Finley's Foxes
Last week I got my very first custom order, and I couldn't have been more excited. Finley is the little girl who's foxes these will be. It's such a perfect name, and 'Finley's Foxes' just rolls off the tongue with such ease. I think I'll forever think of any fox I make as Finley's Fox. The...
Hurray! Thank you pretty lady!!
It's a new day
Hello world. I feel as if I am doing this for the very first time. The winds are shifting around here and great change is taking place in our lives. I am extremely excited about it all. Many of you visit me because of my illustrations in Frankie Magazine. I am so grateful for that intervie...
Erin Paisley-Stueber is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thank you! I was watching the discovery channel when I made this. She seemed tho have the weight of all the heavens riding on her shoulders.
The Tallest Woman on Earth, and others...
Now that I have that out of my system.....
Thanks Anne! Id love to see yours!
Leo Lionni
This is what I've been working on lately. ...and more to come
That is strangely awesome! Thanks for the heads up about Stitchgasm as well...I never knew it existed, and I was so happy to see it, my head is still spinning two days later!
I also love your work, by the way, and your blog is absolutely beautiful.
Thank you so much for your amazing compliments about the print on your blog! I mean, hearing that from someone that didnt even know it was me, I wanted to cry. It was just so so so nice to read. I really cant thank you enough.
That's what I'd like to know...They had NONE at Target when I went looking for some baby tights to match a christmas outfit! Of course, I went after Christmas, and they had a ton on sale. Go figure.
great tip though!
socks to tights
Evidently I don't know how to shop. I can never find anything, like tights for Phoebe. I'm stumped. I was really stumped right before Christmas and in desperate need of some holiday tights so I improvised. I cut the legs off some white tights and sewed knee socks to the ends. I sewed a little...
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