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Nakajima Kikka
Recent Activity
It's about balance, cobb. About recognizing which conversations involve topics that need being discussed into the ground in exhausting detail, and which just involve sticking with the big picture. That's what meditation helps'll still be you...
Short Painful Conversations
I have discovered something about myself. I have a great deal more patience with controversy than the average bear. And what I've been finding, which might not be such a good thing, is that most people's conversations don't go on long enough for me. When I had dinner with my cousin several weeks...
This evening, hanging out with another cousin rather confirmed it for me, as well as hanging out with my boss. I am an utter and total bore. I retain the capacity to discuss a topic into the ground, abstracting from stuff I read too much of.
Meditation can help with this, you know.
Short Painful Conversations
I have discovered something about myself. I have a great deal more patience with controversy than the average bear. And what I've been finding, which might not be such a good thing, is that most people's conversations don't go on long enough for me. When I had dinner with my cousin several weeks...
All in good time, ken.
The latest rumor is that the head of Herman Cain's "secret group of economic advisors" is one Louis Cypher.
The change in wording of those small print warranty exclusions, at least in the U.S., may now be only a matter of time.
You heard it here first.
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
There are. But their motivation for causing earthquakes is different than what the Devil/Satan's motivation would be.
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
I'm not the only one who's picked up on the "666" nature of Cain's 9-9-9 plan:
Devil In The Details"
(On a side-note: Did you know that there is no "Devil/Satan" as such in Japanese religion? There also is no mention of anything like a Flood. Great Volcanic Eruptions, definitely, but no Flood.)
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
He doesn't mean "play" in the same sense that you mean "play", Gerard.
Jaded Old Farts & The Need for 'Creativity'
I'm not sure that world needs more ballet dancers, but I'm more convinced that we don't need the sort we would get out of public schools. It is absolutely true that the architecture of public education is industrial but so are most of the jobs as 'jobs'. I mean if you want to get 'a job...
I seriously doubt we will ever see O'Donnel go after a white candidate about their lack of physical and sacrificial involvement in civil rights.
I think it would depend on whether or not said white candidate made a point of such lack of involvement in his or her biography.
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
I think his was not that we need to teach children creativity, but that we need to stop beating creativity out of them.
Jaded Old Farts & The Need for 'Creativity'
I'm not sure that world needs more ballet dancers, but I'm more convinced that we don't need the sort we would get out of public schools. It is absolutely true that the architecture of public education is industrial but so are most of the jobs as 'jobs'. I mean if you want to get 'a job...
Wake me up when they start talking about "surplus value". Then they'll have the beginning of a coherent program.
Occupy Yourself
I've been annoyed by the flock of uninteresting people who have added me to their Google+ circles (probably under the caption of 'asshole') as I have made my snarky comments about 'OccupyWallStreet'. I have a message for them. The map is not the territory. There may very well come a day this y...
The writer clearly does not have much use for third parties. There's a lot of problems with this essay.
Perhaps Cornell West has moved politically from being a democratic socialist to a revolutionary socialist. For revolutionary socialists, it's more important to take down the "crowned head" than squabble with a standard bearer of a right-wing party.
Playthell Benjamin's Open Letter
Posted without comment. Dear Cornell After reading your Op-Ed column on Dr. Martin Luther King in the New York Times, I felt compelled to sit down and write you a letter. Since the conversation that I want to have with you is about public matters i.e. the fate of our nation and...
This has to be one of the most asinine things done by a Presidential candidate ever. Not something he should do if he wants to be taken seriously. Charles Krauthammer may have been right when he said, back in May, that Cain's campaign was strictly "for entertainment purposes". IOW, he's running a clown show (by his own choice).
Never forget that "999", when inverted and then flipped left-to-right, is "666".
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
But I'm not convinced that the sort of person who never offends (read Obama) is capable of swinging the big monkey nuts when the Office requires it.
President Obama has single-handedly succeeded in making assassination a core principle of U.S. foreign policy, and extra-judicial assassination of U.S. citizens an acceptable component of the U.S. criminal justice system.
Only a man of great courage could have achieved such.
The target is destroyed.
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
Regarding Cain being accused by Limbaugh et al. of "playing the race card" against Perry and the Republican Party
Isn't that amazing? Not particularly surprising, perhaps, but amazing, nevertheless.
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
The Cain thread brings this particular comment back to mind:
If you want a soundbite, here's one for you - the MLK memorial depicts King with a scroll of papers, America would be much better off if statue of King we admire also had a rifle and that scroll of papers were a deed to property. But that is something Left politics will never deliver.
Indeed, the Left can never deliver on that. To answer why, I must take back my previous comment on this image of MLK being a cross between Daniel Boone and a Century 21 agent. Upon further reflection, it's actually much closer in spirit to this:
Libro e moschetto — fascista perfetto (Book and musket--perfect fascist).
MLK sei immortale! :-)
MLK In Stone
Someday in our family history it will be recorded that on the day of its inauguration, my neice performed with her orchestra at the dedication ceremony of the MLK Memorial in Washington. And we will have pictures and video and memories to commemorate the realization of the event. The event will ...
If so, then all the more reason for you to donate to the Cain campaign, no? Following the principle of the world as action operating within the realm of Humanity, and all that...
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
So while I'm on the subject, I should say that I like his Triple Nine tax plan.
In that case, are you going to step forward and donate to his campaign?
Or are you still hoping for divine intervention, in the form of Chris Christie?
Herman Cain from the Kwaku Network
I suspect that one of these days black Americans are going to treat Herman Cain the way they used to treat him before he became prominently known as a Republican, which is to say, a man of great accomplishments. That day may come soon. Witness the following from the Kwaku Network: Herman Cain i...
But I still think longingly of a black union controlling the waiters, porters, doormen, hotel staff, etc, and I know a black-owned hotel chain the size of Holiday Inn should have been part of the Negro legacy, and let's not even talk agribusiness.
Actually, let's talk agribusiness for a moment. Maybe part of the reason for the present extreme dearth of black farmers nationwide is a consequence of this phenomenon:
Sundown Towns
And Their Importance
Is That What You Want?
Campus Republicans at Cal Berkeley make a point. A good point.
The AA bake sale thread brought this back to mind.
Do Japanese anime/manga/hentai artists draw Japanese as idealized whites?
Hmmm. Not "idealized", but I would say that there is a clear tendency to draw Japanese as "stylized" whites (like the three girls shown in Abagond's blog), though not ubiquitously so, for example:
The Cockpit MV
Here the Ohka pilot and his girlfriend are more definitively Japanese in physical appearance, and the Betty crews are early Disney cartoonish. Both are starkly different than how the Americans are drawn.
Of course, when you see how strong emotions are expressed by "stylized" white-drawn anime characters, then it becomes pretty clear that these characters represent Japanese people.
Black Class Revisited
Starting back in the late 80s when I decided to allow my intellectual curiosity rule my life rather than settle into the square pegs of upscale, buppie, Talented Tenth modalities, I had already formed some reckoning of the class differences between African Americans. I was quite comfortable back...
Do the two of them have to spend their life together in a secret location because of the fatwa?
The Couple of the Year
Niall Ferguson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Two of my favorite minds on the planet. The awesomeness is practically unfathomable.
The Big Dog was telling the truth. He never had sex with Monica Lewinsky. A few years back, a Wisconsin Synod Lutheran colleague of mine explained how this was possible. Apparently, it all depends on how a particular religious group defines "sex".
Obama vs Clinton
Which President was more hated and persecuted by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?
Close call, but at this point in time, I'd have to say Clinton--the VRWC had him impeached over a personal issue.
But next year at this time...
Obama vs Clinton
Which President was more hated and persecuted by the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy?
Well, the two of them do seem to have taken particular relish in generating social chaos whenever possible, no? Destruction seems to have been a major goal. That's a sure sign of a lack of awareness of what they're doing. Not good when you're having an affair--especially one you've decided to consummate.
The Couple of the Year
Niall Ferguson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Two of my favorite minds on the planet. The awesomeness is practically unfathomable.
What were von Hayek's views on family?
The Couple of the Year
Niall Ferguson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Two of my favorite minds on the planet. The awesomeness is practically unfathomable.
Married Sept. 10, eight months pregnant.
He was cutting things a little close, no?
The Couple of the Year
Niall Ferguson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Two of my favorite minds on the planet. The awesomeness is practically unfathomable.
Hey, Cobb, you once wrote the following:
There is marriage. And there is everything else.
It would seem that there are actually three categories, no?
(1) Marriage
(2) What Ferguson and Hirsi Ali have
(3) Everything else
The Couple of the Year
Niall Ferguson and Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Two of my favorite minds on the planet. The awesomeness is practically unfathomable.
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