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Colleen McGarry
San Francisco
I'm a girl that lives in San Francisco and thinks/talks about food a lot. A lot.
Interests: food, eating, cooking, baking, politics, social justice, San Francisco, history, Slavoj Zizek, music with synthesizers, music with interesting percussion, movies that everyone else likes
Recent Activity
I have it too. Still. I haven't lived there for 10 years and I think people still find me polite but standoffish, and hard to engage on a casual level.
1 reply
Contigo! Contigo! Ms. Jennifer Jeffrey would second, I'm sure. AND it's owned and run by a TypePad blogger, and their site is on TypePad - how do you say no? is run by Brett Emerson: Also, the food is actually really delicious and it's a beautiful restaurant.
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2009 on Paella: i'm giving up at Hungry Frenchman
1 reply
Coming back to say that I loved the wine and added a picture, Hungry Frenchman. :)
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2009 on 3 great wines for less than $9 at Hungry Frenchman
1 reply
Hi Pam, nice Apture links! I just wanted to reach out and say thanks for trying our service out - and that your quilts look fabulous! I love craft blogs. :) Please let us know if you have questions or feedback - we are listening to you.
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2009 on G for garden. at Pam Holland Designs and Productions
1 reply
Hi Brian, we are working on the best solution for you to be able to use Apture. Hope to have it up soon, and I'll definitely share it here for other TypePad users to partake in! If any of you have Apture installed and have a right-column layout, just make sure Apture is at the bottom of your widget/module list, and you should be good to go! Feel free to email me if you have questions, too.
1 reply
I JUST bought two bottles of the Fortress Sauvignon Blanc YESTERDAY! I will let you know what I think when I try it. :)
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2009 on 3 great wines for less than $9 at Hungry Frenchman
1 reply