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Missed you and your blogs. Great pictures and commentary.
Toggle Commented Feb 28, 2012 on I'm Back! at Travelation
What a great Family. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2011 at Rrwimmer's blog
Your photos are great. Rudy said he is jealous of you and all the things you have seen and experienced. He also said you should keep it going and experience all you can.
I'm happy you you have a camera but I hope it doesn't cut down on you written words that I enjoy.
Toggle Commented May 7, 2011 on An outing with my students at Travelation
Rrwimmer added a favorite at Travelation
May 7, 2011
Rrwimmer is now following adam
Mar 15, 2011
Rrwimmer is now following Nswink13
Mar 15, 2011
I had to laugh and think of myself when I was there in .09. Love your blogs. Get yourself a phrase book if you can find one, it will help tons.
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2011 on Blonde haired, blue eyed American! at Travelation
Rrwimmer is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 20, 2011