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Rabi Satter
Redmond, WA
Bring Software to Reality
Interests: Web3, Cryptocurrency, mobile, WASM, software development
Recent Activity
I saw a tweet asking about best practices for APIs. I started writing a comment and realized very quickly that a post would be better. I have tried to be technology agnostic. Think before Coding aka Design First off, do not just code up an API based on your current... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2020 at Satter Ramblings
I still remember 3/28/2012, the day Scott Hanselman announced on stage that he just open sourced ASP.NET. It was the culmination of a lot of work by many people including myself. I was reading a blog post by Marc Gravell on Open Source and money and immediately thought back to... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2018 at Satter Ramblings
In writing the app for Patient-Reported Outcomes in Parkinson's Disease (, I needed a more robust persistence service. At the same time, I stumbled upon Realm who develops an Open Source Mobile Database and Mobile Platform. Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2018 at Satter Ramblings
Rabi Satter has shared their blog Satter Ramblings
Dec 28, 2016
Recently a bunch of companies have been announcing home automation services and products. Google bought Nest and Apple released an SDK for OEMs. Is something really changed? I use to build industrial and home automation software. I have been tracking this space for decades. Has something really changed in the... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2014 at Satter Ramblings
I have been thinking and discussing with some folks about platforms. Currently there are two approaches to building a platform. The first is building the runtime environment. The quintessential example is Windows OS. If you build desktop apps you use tools specifically designed for building applications on the Windows OS... Continue reading
Posted Feb 4, 2014 at Satter Ramblings
Last week I saw Embarcadero announcing a new version of Delphi. It also included the ability to write iOS and Mac Apps. Being a big believer in cross platform development I had to try it out. It also did not hurt that I love Delphi. I was a huge fan... Continue reading
Posted May 1, 2013 at Satter Ramblings is a curated portal of information and resources for people interested in starting, funding or mentoring startups. Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2012 at CrowdStarters
During the //build/ Day 2 keynote, Scott Guthrie announced a new release of MVC. MVC 4 is a developer preview meaning "danger, Will Robinson, danger". However it is definitely worth a look as it makes building mobile web applications easier. It is also what I have been waiting for to... Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2011 at Satter Ramblings
The WURFL team has introduced a new .NET API. The first pass does not have a Nuget package but they are working on it. So it should eventually show up on Nuget. The WURLF .NET API is different from my earlier post. It made to dynamically create your views based... Continue reading
Posted Jun 27, 2011 at Satter Ramblings
One of the things I have always wanted to do was write the Mobile LOB Accelerator as multi-device application. One of the things that has held me back is the lack of ADO.NET in Silverlight. Yes I know I can use a lot of database implementations for Silverlight. The problem... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2011 at Satter Ramblings
In March a version of .NET Framework 4 was released to run on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. You can download the RTM version but what do you get? The team struggled with this question. What should you get? Depending on what you got would control what you could do.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2011 at Satter Ramblings
One of the most asked features of .NET 4 is the ability to install on Server Core OSs. I am pleased to let you know that you can now do this with a caveat. You must be running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. So you must upgrade your server to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2011 at Satter Ramblings
WebMatrix Beta 3is now available. WebMatrix is a lightweight development environment to enable Razor development, a new syntax for .NET web pages. Lightweight does not mean less features. It is very full featured and cool. Razor is simple mix HTML and an @ sign to denote C# or VB.NET code.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at Satter Ramblings
The trunk build is a version of MonoDevelop that includes MonoMac. My bad for not being more explicit on the directions.
Toggle Commented Sep 23, 2010 on .NET Development for OS X at Satter Ramblings
People who have read my blog probably knew this was coming. I assisted Rob Tiffany in writing the second version of his Windows Mobile Line of Business Solution Accelerator. So it is only natural that I try and port it to MonoTouch. This is going to take a while. I... Continue reading
Posted Sep 18, 2010 at Satter Ramblings
Yes you read that right. This entry will show you the basics of building a Mac application in .NET. How can this be .NET is a Microsoft Windows technology? Enter Mono. And no I don't mean the disease. I mean the Mono Project a Novell project that has ported .NET... Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2010 at Satter Ramblings
Microsoft .NET 4 Framework has been released on Windows Update (WU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). At this point most IT and Developers might be asking What is going up on WU and WSUS? What is the error rate and has .NET team done anything to minimize failures? Will... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2010 at Satter Ramblings
.NET Framework 4 was released on 4/12. One thing developers noticed is that it looks like the x86 and ia64 installs are missing. Not true the links are there but buried in the instructions. Why? This was done for assisting consumers in finding and installing .NET. Even with our developer... Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2010 at Satter Ramblings
Rabi Satter is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
One of the new features in C# and VB.NET is covariance and contravariance. What the heck is it? Well it turns out it is really an easy concept and if you use object oriented features like inheritance you are using covariance and contravariance. You just don't know it as we... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at Satter Ramblings
.NET Framework is considered part of the operating system. What will happen with .NET 4 once it is officially released and how can you help? .NET 4 will be released on Windows Update (WU). In addition, it will show up in Windows Server Update Service (WSUS). Specifically .NET Framework 4... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2009 at Satter Ramblings
How do you go about migrating from an older .NET Framework to .NET Framework 4? With .NET Framework 4 migration is actually pretty easy. The migration story actually starts with how .NET 4 is installed. .NET 4 is installed as a side by side release. This means in most cases... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2009 at Satter Ramblings
.NET Framework 4 has a lot of new features and it can be daunting to decide what to look at first. Fortunately or unfortunately (it has been a long trek from start to Beta 2) I have been working with Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 for the last 16... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2009 at Satter Ramblings
Now that Beta 2 is out I can talk more freely about what is happening with the .NET Framework. The most visible changes are the installation size, speed, and error rate of the Framework. There are also a lot of great new features Installation Architecture specific installers that are smaller... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2009 at Satter Ramblings