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Well you have been over thinking things again. I am not Andrew but you will only believe what you want to. All I know is they (Harmony Park) should not have messed with me. I had bought into their stories and how you were the evil one but since I started investigating things I have learned all to much about who really runs Harmony Park and if you dont go along with them then you will be black balled. Its funny how just a hand full run this entire park mostly because so many dont want to get invloved and look the other way or are afraid to confront them.
Again I dont know Andrew or anything about him I tell you with all honesty you have never met me.
Update.. July 25th 2010..
Well I won't be blogging much unless I have time in the evenings. I have a big move ahead of me in the next two weeks. We are very excited about it, a new adventure awaits. via Did you miss me? Well I have been doing a little research since we last talked and I have found out s...
Did you miss me? Well I have been doing a little research since we last talked and I have found out some things. You are right these people in Harmony or should I say Penton Place are a bunch of liers, they bend the rules for those that they like, they look the other way if you are a part of their click. All they do is talk about one another and spread gossip faster then a brush fire with a 40 mile an hour wind. It amazed me to find out who has had things looked the other way on and who hasnt.
I will have more later got to go now...
Update.. July 25th 2010..
Well I won't be blogging much unless I have time in the evenings. I have a big move ahead of me in the next two weeks. We are very excited about it, a new adventure awaits. As far as the lawsuit goes, well they will find out tomorrow that the attorney I do not have does exist as we file tomorro...
Update.. July 25th 2010..
Well I won't be blogging much unless I have time in the evenings. I have a big move ahead of me in the next two weeks. We are very excited about it, a new adventure awaits. via Did you miss me? Well I have been doing a little research... Continue reading
Reblogged Jul 26, 2010 at Rt0381's blog
So where is the Harmony park meeting at? I'd like to be there, I sure hope you show up with all your copied blog Oh thats right daddy will show up to defend your honor....LMAO
Please tell me where the meeting is so I'm sure not to be late....:)
Before I begin, to avoid any type of legal...
Before I begin, to avoid any type of legal consequences from this post I have changed the names of all parties involved (except for my families) as well as the name of the community in which we resided in....... Please read my "biography" and "about me" page before you read this. That will get yo...
First off I'm not GAR but that really doesnt matter to me. I have compiled over 80 hours of surveillance tapes and over 20 sworn afadavats. These are all now being put together so that we can take further legal actions against those that are trully causing all the problems in Norway Park. My true name will be come relevant once proceeding have begun.
So if its not Norway Park you are talking about I guess you have nothing to worry about. You received your settlement and you where asked to leave but you cant let thing go because you have nothing better to do with your pitiful little life. I cannot wait for the day to see the look on your face when this all plays out.
Life in Harmony Park (AKA) "Trolls Alley"
Before I begin, to avoid any type of legal consequences from this post I have changed the names of all parties involved (except for my families) as well as the name of the community in which we resided in....... Please read my "biography" and "about me" page before you read this. That will get yo...
Rt0381 is now following Hingle1364
Jun 11, 2010
Rt0381 is now following Mammakoala2000
Jun 11, 2010
Rt0381 is now following Carrieann
Jun 11, 2010
Rt0381 is now following Kristi Ihrig
Jun 11, 2010
Life in Harmony Park (AKA) "Trolls Alley"
Before I begin, to avoid any type of legal consequences from this post I have changed the names of all parties involved (except for my families) as well as the name of the community in which we resided in....... Please read my "biography" and "about me" page before you read... Continue reading
Reblogged Jun 11, 2010 at Rt0381's blog
Rt0381 is now following unjustified
Jun 11, 2010
Before I begin, to avoid any type of legal...
Before I begin, to avoid any type of legal consequences from this post I have changed the names of all parties involved (except for my families) as well as the name of the community in which we resided in....... Please read my "biography" and "about me" page before you read... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2010 at Rt0381's blog
Rt0381 is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 11, 2010
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