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Charles Alison
Recent Activity
When Brig. Gen. Benjamin McCulloch established his Confederate headquarters at Fayetteville in 1861, with him was another Texan — John Henry Brown — who had served as a soldier in the Texas militia, been elected to the state legislature and had edited several newspapers. This last occupation proved to have... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2010 at The Civil War in Fayetteville
Peter Houser, seen here later in life, worked on his father's farm in McLean County, Illinois, until the age of 25, when he joined the 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry in August 1862. He was a member of Company B, which served with the Union's Army of the Frontier and was... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at The Civil War in Fayetteville
Peter Houser, seen here later in life, worked on his father's farm in McLean County, Illinois, until the age of 25, when he joined the 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry in August 1862. He was a member of Company B, which served with the Union's Army of the Frontier and was... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at The Civil War in Fayetteville
Peter Houser, seen here later in life, worked on his father's farm in McLean County, Illinois, until the age of 25, when he joined the 94th Illinois Volunteer Infantry in August 1862. He was a member of Company B, which served with the Union's Army of the Frontier and was... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2010 at The Civil War in Fayetteville
The timeline above and below shows events related to the Civil War that happened in Fayetteville and Arkansas as well as major national and regional events, which are in italics. 1820 Congress passed the "Missouri Compromise," legislation prohibiting slavery in territories north of the parallel 36°30' north, the same parallel... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at The Civil War in Fayetteville
Charles Alison added a favorite at Historic Washington County Courthouse
Aug 26, 2010
Charles Alison is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Woohoo for SixApart's bicycle riding and for the great support for blogs. All my bike journals going back to the 1980s are post-dated into my blog, and they've reconnected me with some old riding friends. Very nice service you have. And the blogs of the commenters to this post are wonderful to see and explore too. Thanks Typepad/SixApart.
Toggle Commented May 4, 2009 on TypePad Loves Bikes at Everything Typepad
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