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North Vancouver
Recent Activity
Happy Earth Day my "Avatar" community! Time to go...
Happy Earth Day my "Avatar" community! Time to go buy the blu-ray! Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2010 at AVATAR
Indiana jones
Since it's kinda dead here, let's do a...
Since it's kinda dead here, let's do a ROOOOOOOOOLLLL CAAAAAAALLL to see who is online! If you're online, write it down and answer this question: Who is cooler, Indiana Jones or Han Solo?
I like the idea of the "just the movie" blue-ray. I want Avatar to look as good as possible!
But I'll probably buy everything.
AVATAR DVD Arriving on Earth Day?
AVATAR is still number four in box-office sales, but James Cameron tells MTV that there'll be three AVATAR DVDs: a 2-D version slated for a June 30 release, then a special edition and a 3-D Blu-ray DVD. (He also told the Wall Street Journal the release would happen on Earth Day—April 22; stay...
Going to go. Eywa ngahu.
Going to go. Eywa ngahu. Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at AVATAR
Used to be a different picture of Eytukan(I think I spelled it correctly)
I'm just suprised its been going so strong.
So is there anyone here from the beginning? I know...
So is there anyone here from the beginning? I know I've been on here since December, and its nice to see a lot of new people.
So is there anyone here from the beginning? I know...
So is there anyone here from the beginning? I know I've been on here since December, and its nice to see a lot of new people. Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at AVATAR
My 5 favourite JC films: 1.Avatar 2.Titanic 3.The...
My 5 favourite JC films: 1.Avatar 2.Titanic 3.The Abyss 4.Aliens 5. T2 Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2010 at AVATAR
No title
Also looking forward to titanic. But seriously, give us the blu ray already!
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hmmm, I'm on a Mac with safari so it might be different.
I just found a great interview with James Cameron....
I just found a great interview with James Cameron. Very enjoyable .
Ryan added a photo at AVATAR
Mar 15, 2010
To hold me over until the blu-ray. Gotta stay strong.:)
I just watched the trailer again, and I can't stop...
I just watched the trailer again, and I can't stop smiling!
Really? Because don't they call him Jake Sully as well?
I just assumed that our names are the same.
how do you say "james" (my name) in Na'vi?
how do you say "james" (my name) in Na'vi?
I just watched the trailer again, and I can't stop...
I just watched the trailer again, and I can't stop smiling! Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at AVATAR
how do you say "james" (my name) in Na'vi?
how do you say "james" (my name) in Na'vi?
I think he's still working out the contract with Fox.
so has james cameron started filming or started...
so has james cameron started filming or started writing for avatar 2?
Answer to question of the day. While Grace wants...
Answer to question of the day. While Grace wants to join the Na'vi and has all the knowledge that you think would make her a shoe in, she can never get past her analytical and scientific behaviour and way of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at AVATAR
I just found a great interview with James Cameron....
I just found a great interview with James Cameron. Very enjoyable . Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at AVATAR
I'm starting to come here more often again. I...
I'm starting to come here more often again. I forgot how enjoyable talking with everyone is. There is great humanity here. But it seems quiet so I think I'll get some sleep. Eywa ngahu Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at AVATAR
I love the fact that a biologically sentient planet may be possible. Who knows.
But I feel I connected with the Na'vi much more, knowing their "deity" was actually real. But, I agree, the characters are what make the story so applealing and gripping.
Heres a question: If Ewya wasn't biologically...
Heres a question: If Ewya wasn't biologically possible within the context of James Cameron's universe, would "Avatar" hold the same appeal. Basically, if the Na'vi were worshiping some entity that never had a presence, Basically our form of Gaiaism(which really doesn't have any scientific or biol...
Ryan added a photo at AVATAR
Mar 15, 2010
Heres a question: If Ewya wasn't biologically...
Heres a question: If Ewya wasn't biologically possible within the context of James Cameron's universe, would "Avatar" hold the same appeal. Basically, if the Na'vi were worshiping some entity that never had a presence, Basically our form of Gaiaism(which really... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at AVATAR
Sundays are still funny, but they seem to be missing something(generally speaking).
No title
I was wondering when someone would put this up. NIce to know there are some Foxtrot Fans our there.
I miss the dailies though.
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We all know that "Avatar" shares some common...
We all know that "Avatar" shares some common themes with "Ferngully" and "Pocahontous". But has anyone seen "Atlantis: THe Lost Empire"(one of favourite Disney movies)? I can't believe people haven't mentioned this. It is much closer to "Avatar" then Ferngully... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2010 at AVATAR
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