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Katie is looking so grown up and chic! We miss you Katie!
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2011 on Chilly August Weekend at The Plunge Down Under
Christie! I know I am getting post many american dollars are those true religion jeans?? lol. Jodi ps-the boys enjoyed camerons basketball game photos.
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2011 on Gillian Goes to Costco at The Plunge Down Under
This so special.
The Ruperts have decided all the cakes we have seen via computer look much better than any cake over here! Happy Belated Birthday James!
Love these spring flowers!! You should make notecards out of these through an online photo company.....gorgeous!
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2011 on Spring Riot at The Plunge Down Under
Hi Christie! This is my favorite post in a while. I love the landscape and your parents look wonderful. So good and healthy. Please tell them hello. I miss you almost birthday girl! Jodi
Wilkin kids you look so grown up!! Don't get too big before you come back home! Luke loves the HUGE cross! Mrs. Rupert
Toggle Commented Oct 10, 2011 on Picnic at Hanging Rock at The Plunge Down Under
Hi Cameron, it's Josh. We are off school today for Colubus Day. I like your basketball pictures. We also liked the picture of the James sliding in the sand, the kuala bear, and the big bike. Are you guys coming home at all for Christmas? We should skype or facetime soon. Your friend, Josh
I love this as you might imagine!!! You would look fabulous in a scarf and I think you need to buy some of those on your next outing! Wish I was there to spend the day shopping with you and meet your new friend. See you soon! Jodi
Toggle Commented Jul 2, 2011 on Shopping With Gillian at The Plunge Down Under
Sophie and her classroom both look wonderful! All of the kids look healthy and great. God Bless you all with traveling mercies. Looking forward to our neighbors being home for a visit! We miss you! Happy Belated Birthday Cameron!
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2011 on Sophie Goes to School at The Plunge Down Under
Hello Wilkins! We just spent the afternoon catching up on your blog! Travel basketball is finally over for us and we are returning to more normal schedule. Our favorites were the sunset photos(so breathtaking), your Dad's funny blog and funny photos!, and the beautiful pictures of your great grandmother. How nice to have company you did these past months. We miss you all and hope you are well. Much love, The Ruperts
Toggle Commented Mar 5, 2011 on Don't Forget Your Bathers at The Plunge Down Under
We just spent a lazy Sunday afternoon enjoying Christie's entertaining narration and your fantastic pictures!!!! We feel like we are on the adventure with you.....what a wonderful blog! Josh read aloud as we caught up on your last two weeks. Many chuckles and ooh's and ahhhh's later, we decided that although we miss our dear neighbors very much, we are excited for your time in the "down under". Much love, hugs, and prayers to you all!
Toggle Commented Aug 8, 2010 on Sunday Sightings at The Plunge Down Under
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Aug 8, 2010
Ruperts is now following Jodi
Aug 8, 2010
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Aug 8, 2010