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oh well least the song is good. Yes I have it and it's already on my playlist, I probably won't be buying the album anyway. You should just be happy that someone thinks your music is worth leaking. I hope they leak some more of ur album so i can dl that also!
Lupe Fiasco's Unreleased Music Stolen, "Actions Are Being Taken & Authorities Have Been Notified"
Grammy-winning rapper Lupe Fiasco has lashed out against persons responsible for stealing his unreleased "I'm Beaming" record and said he has taken legal action to handle the situation.
oh well least the song is good. Yes I have it and it's already on my playlist, I probably won't be buying the album anyway. You should just be happy that someone thinks your music is worth leaking. I hope they leak some more of ur album so i can dl that also!
Lupe Fiasco's Unreleased Music Stolen, "Actions Are Being Taken & Authorities Have Been Notified"
Grammy-winning rapper Lupe Fiasco has lashed out against persons responsible for stealing his unreleased "I'm Beaming" record and said he has taken legal action to handle the situation.
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Dec 25, 2009
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Dec 25, 2009
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