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Chicago, New York, Pittsburgh
Retired teacher, artist, still trying to keep going at 77.
Interests: photography, artist's books, fabric arts, japanese gardens
Recent Activity
I always follow Dr.s (or dentists) orders. Thats why I have all my own teeth.
Blogging, tachycardia and root canals
As part of my blogging class I found I had to clarify my ideas about why I blog and make it part of my fourth class lecture. I began blogging almost four years ago in Live Journal, when I found I was going to move from New Jersey to Pittsburgh. It is a record of my feelings and the events leadin...
Moving day
Unfortunately not my apartment--I'm still looking--but this blog. This is my last post on Typepad. The blog will remain here until some time next year, but I am moving to a new studio on Wordpress: Go there now to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
And a great time was had
This trip to New York was very special. In addition to many of my usual favorite things I spent much of the time with old friends whom I haven't seen for many years. Our first activity was a tour of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
The week that was
Raja left a comment telling me to go to New York for my spirit. Since I always listen to Raja I'm now on the Megabus heading for New York. Seriously, I've been planning the trip for awhile. One of my... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Back to normal
Five week and two days later I am finally feeling as well as before I fell. No fooling, it takes a long time to heal. I've been to a nurse practitioner at my primary care office and two different eye... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Youre right. But it really hasnt been so bad this year. However I am planning to escape to New York at the beginning of December.
Failure, of sorts
Obviously, I can't blog every day. It doesn't work for me. This time I have an excuse: I began to really feel the effects of that fall (or possibly something else is wrong) when I wrote the last post. You know I would never wear that purple outfit, not even to bed. Finally, yesterday, I went to ...
Failure, of sorts
Obviously, I can't blog every day. It doesn't work for me. This time I have an excuse: I began to really feel the effects of that fall (or possibly something else is wrong) when I wrote the last post. You... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
How I feel today
I need that purple outfit and someone to hug me. Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
You can have it if you want.
I missed yesterday
I sat in front of the computer at least three times and couldn't think of anything to write. I'm still not doing very well. I went to a jazz concert on Saturday night, but I have nothing to report about it. Today was the fourth Osher history class about Washington, Adams, Jefferson. Today was Je...
Election robocalls
I am so disgusted with those calls I am ready to promise I will not vote for anyone who calls me with a recorded message. "Friends of Rich" this year's Democratic bozo running for Allegheny County Executive, called me at... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Picture, phase 2
It was a newspaper box, vandalized and burned. I want to use it for my next book. Do you think it's less recognizable now? Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
I missed yesterday
I sat in front of the computer at least three times and couldn't think of anything to write. I'm still not doing very well. I went to a jazz concert on Saturday night, but I have nothing to report about... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
I think we seldom take into account the possible results of these medical decisions. Doctors work on autopilot: you have this, so you should have that treatment. That the quality of your life could be considerably worse is never considered. My father, at 92, was rushed to the hospital, against his and my wishes, when he coughed up blood. The doctor wanted to put a tube down his throat to see where he was bleeding. It took me 30 minutes of intense argument to keep it from happening. After all, what would they do when they found out: we would not allow surgery. He stopped bleeding and lived comfortably for another two years. The argument, which had to be repeated at the nursing home, left me exhausted. It should not have been necessary.
This is not about Andy Rooney
but his death has raised a lot of questions for me. The obituaries say simply "serious complications after minor surgery." One story said his family requested privacy. I can understand, but this is something we should all be concerned with. How many of us private citizens suffer from or die fro...
This is not about Andy Rooney
but his death has raised a lot of questions for me. The obituaries say simply "serious complications after minor surgery." One story said his family requested privacy. I can understand, but this is something we should all be concerned with.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Dont worry. Neither of those careers are in my future.
I'm not usually a fearful person. It only occurs to me after I've gone somewhere or been involved in something I shouldn't that I ought to be afraid. So it took me a long time, ten days to be exact, to realize I was afraid of going out for a walk again. The first week after I fell the weather wa...
Just in time
Here it is only November 4 and I almost forgot to post. It's 11pm and I just got back from a lovely Shabat dinner. It's been a difficult day, the result of a night of not sleeping. Thursday evening I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
I'm not usually a fearful person. It only occurs to me after I've gone somewhere or been involved in something I shouldn't that I ought to be afraid. So it took me a long time, ten days to be exact,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
No free lunch
Monday night, after I got in bed but before I turned out the light, I got a text message offering me a free iPad3 for testing. Just call or go to a certain website. I turned off the phone. In... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Half the day is gone
and I'm just beginning to work on my first post. I have a singular lack of ambition these days and a long list of things I ought to be doing. If I get through this month of writing every day,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Another week, another activity postponed
Next year better come, even though my poster says it won't. I'm beginning to think that poster was a curse. I was supposed to go to Chicago last Monday, October 24. Our trek up to Door County was postponed this... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
I went to a real (printing) paper distributor, bought a good card stock and made another book. I made the sides out of single sheets and only laminated the seven bridge sheets. It's much better--not perfect by any means, but... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
The book is finished
although I plan to do it again. I still want better card stock and better craftsmanship. Here's the book, closed. The closure, on the left, is fragile, even worse than I anticipated, so I want to figure out another way... Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Yeah. My bridge would have been the first to fall down.
Back to the book
Thanks to some good questions from Mage I spent the last week figuring out how to 'package' the book, and how to end it. Remember those flaps sticking out the back end? I've started to work from the back. Even with my fancy diagram I'm still making mistakes about the tabbing. Haven't started ...
Back to the book
Thanks to some good questions from Mage I spent the last week figuring out how to 'package' the book, and how to end it. Remember those flaps sticking out the back end? I've started to work from the back. Even... Continue reading
Posted Sep 23, 2011 at Studio Ruthe
Good questions. Yes I think I can increase the depth of field. It requires better lighting and a tripod. Ill do it eventually.
Once I glue the parts it is almost impossible to flatten them. It had to be done upfront. Finally the entire piece compresses easily to about one inch. Eventually, I would like to create some kind of a wrapper to keep it closed. It would be easy to make a separate wrapper, but I would like something that will become part of the book, which requires much more thought. Thanks for your comments and support.
Finished, but not done
The book is finished. As usual, I am not happy, so there will be another iteration, this time with design changes based on experience. Usually I'm just speculating. The book, opened out fully, is about three feet long. Here is a picture looking through the opening. Sorry the pictures aren...
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