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Rob Wegner
Follower of Jesus, husband to Michelle, Dad to Madeline, Whitney, and Belle, Pastor at Granger Community Church.
Interests: Hanging out with the family, Reading, Music, Running, Biking, Hiking, Adventure Racing, watching movies, and I still pick up the guitar everyone once and awhile.
Recent Activity
Thanks for the encouraging review of Missional Moves! We hope it fuels the fire for God's mission in and through you. Thanks again!
Amber, thanks for the encouraging words. I'm not sure if the exponential is recording all the workshops or not. I'll be sure to find out. Please ping me again after the event and I'll let you know what's up. Thanks!
Thanks, Larry. You're a good man. We so appreciate the prayers.
Tim, so true! Thanks for adding your insight. You have our respect and admiration, brother!
Matthew, great question. It's both/and, not either/or. I fully believe that a leadership team of a faith community should get away, be still, pray, and seek God's guidance. In addition, I think the leadership team must find a way to include as much of their church as possible in the listening process for future vision. Honestly, I don't see many local churches include that second process. Usually, the pastor and a few key leaders go away and come back with the vision. I'm not saying that is wrong. I'm just saying as we include the church in that process, which we did over a year long process that included a web portal, focus groups, countless conversations and email, I believe you increase the clarity. Hope that clarifies. thanks for the comment.
Chris,you can order them at
Agreed! The movement is spreading and it is unstoppable.
Edgar, well said. Neil Cole describes the "worshipping but Lordless" church as the "zombie bride" of Christ. I think that says it all - not truly alive or growing but still walking the earth.
It can be overwhelming. No doubt. Let me recommend a couple books to start with: The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren and The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg. Also, please consider joining others who are wrestling with similar questions here at GCC. There's a community that is meeting for 10 weeks to discuss the second book, Me I Want to Be. Here's a link to investigate I hope you'll consider taking this journey with some other folks. It's the community that shapes us as much as the content. PS (I would address you by name, but the link dead-ended on me. I hope you get this message)
Toggle Commented Sep 20, 2010 on Tattoo at Rob Wegner: Blog Archive
Rob Wegner is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Glad to hear it! Rob Wegner Blog: Twitter:robwegner Sent from my iPhone
Love the image of the bee! Thats a keeper... Rob Wegner Blog: Twitter:robwegner Sent from my iPhone
Right on. Ill reread phil 3 tonight. Thanks! Rob Wegner Blog: Twitter:robwegner Sent from my iPhone
Thanks! I read your email to Maddie. :) Sent from my iPhone On Sep 13, 2009, at 7:31 PM, "[email protected]"
Thanks! J From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, September 13, 2009 7:05 PM To: Rob Wegner Subject: [EnterMission - Rob Wegner] Wendi submitted a comment to 'Baptism Through the Eyes of My 10 Year Old Photo Genuis'. NEW! More options for replying to comments via email: * To reply privately to the commenter, click on the commenter's email address below. * To reply publically on your blog, reply to this email.