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ryan is now following Steven58 (Chok'ete)
Feb 16, 2010
people like J.C. come once in a life time, we are blessed by ewya that we have him, with us today. he is already starting on a secound part, so my sources say. it will be a international sorrow when this great man passes, he will be know for his work, and May ewya live in use all.
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2010 on AVATAR: Biggest Movie of All Time at Avatar Blog
where did u learn all this na vi from? please tell i would like to learn it as well
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2010 on Kaltxi frapo, peyfa lu nga? at AVATAR
ryan is now following Tawtute Txen (slightpepper)
Feb 8, 2010
dosen't it hello everyone? thats what i found.
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2010 on Kaltxi frapo, peyfa lu nga? at AVATAR
ryan is now following AVATAR
Feb 7, 2010
ryan is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 7, 2010