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Hallelujah Mountains
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Okay thank you.
what type of gunship does trudy fly/pilot?
what type of gunship does trudy fly/pilot?
what type of gunship does trudy fly/pilot?
what type of gunship does trudy fly/pilot? Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at AVATAR
@txon what happens after the last chapter?
@txon what happens after the last chapter? Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at AVATAR
you are right wat happens after the last chapter
Hey if any of you have heard about or played the...
Hey if any of you have heard about or played the Avatar game for iphone/ipod touch can you tell me how many chapters there are?
me too
Oh yeah i forgot... Happy Friday everyone!
Oh yeah i forgot... Happy Friday everyone!
well on a review a kid said he couldnt get past the 16 th chapter an im on the 15th chapter i dont know ill have to find out!!
Hey if any of you have heard about or played the...
Hey if any of you have heard about or played the Avatar game for iphone/ipod touch can you tell me how many chapters there are?
Hey if any of you have heard about or played the...
Hey if any of you have heard about or played the Avatar game for iphone/ipod touch can you tell me how many chapters there are? Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at AVATAR
and some of the actors also signed up for a sequel
@ jake sully thanks man and how do you guys know...
@ jake sully thanks man and how do you guys know about sequal and if it comes out around 2012-13 the worls will end before then :s lol But seriously how do you guys know that
xD but i'm 12... ha just kiddin'
Just a friendly reminder, please keep all captions...
Just a friendly reminder, please keep all captions and comments PG-13 please!
ha that's realy cool @ ener-g
Valentine's Day is coming. Finish the poem: Roses...
Valentine's Day is coming. Finish the poem: Roses are red, Na'vi are blue...
I like my pic now!
I like my pic now! Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at AVATAR
No title
Hey Guys! I'm back!!!!! Just got back from AVATAR,...
Hey Guys! I'm back!!!!! Just got back from AVATAR, the magic still hasn't worn off!!! This movie gets better every time I see it! Sorry I haven't been around for the last few days, a few of my friends and I had a huge gaming party and I was otherwise occupied ;D
Taftxu'pamey is now following Ateyo 'uniltiranyu (dreamwalker72)
Feb 6, 2010
ha one of my friends says tht
@Nathan its MW2 time, junior!
@Nathan its MW2 time, junior!
No title
I agree!!
YAY CAPTION TIME!!! dmn i went to go make a nice...
YAY CAPTION TIME!!! dmn i went to go make a nice cup of hot tea and like 10000 new post are up lol this is the most posting i have seen in a while.
No title
I got it thanks everybody!
I got it thanks everybody! Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at AVATAR
ill figure it out
How do I get photos to here from
How do I get photos to here from
saved it but where do i upload it to?
How do I get photos to here from
How do I get photos to here from
i meant there to here
How do I get photos to here from
How do I get photos to here from
Taftxu'pamey is now following Jake Sully
Feb 6, 2010
How do I get photos to here from
How do I get photos to here from Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at AVATAR
Didn't know she was..
Question: Why was Neytiri's sister killed?
Question: Why was Neytiri's sister killed?
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