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I wish...I dont even know how
I wrote a thing about stuff you proboly missed...Click on my icon and scroll down till you find it
My god that things Ugly...
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
WEll then, Who thinks Unilrey (Dream liver) txe'lantxur (Strong heart)
txe'lantxur: Awesome!, i love it...Thanks! (how do you pronounce it)
unil n rey v
Haha, Is there a word for Dedicated one?
Im trying to come up with a Great Navi name for me... Whatcha guys got? Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at AVATAR
Ah, i see what you mean. i guess... But the Na'vi cant SEE through the Trees (that we know of) they can only hear the voices of the ancestors... i guess we could always HEAR Grace?
LOL, we didnt see her die, becuase that wouldve been extremly cruel, Shes a good person and in movie terms, couldnt be shown such a horrible death.
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
Uhm...we shall call him... ean adj tokx n tsamsiyu n (Blue body warrior) Well just shorten it too Enadjtsamisyu
Uhm, shes dead... Unless the Na'vi have some sort of Revive Ritual... im pretty sure she's outta the movie
Tsu'tey was dead at that time. Also, the shot right before was a close up of her... inside and the missles a couple feet away. that blast was huge, i gighly dought she got out in time.
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
Just his avatar dies... He himself lives...
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on Did Norm Spellman's Avatar really die? at AVATAR
i dont think the bond beetween jake and turok was Temporary, jake said he let him go live his life. So in all, Jake Broke the bond. Im sure Netyri will get another ikran, She will call it ezes
No, shes definatly dead... unless she superhuman and can withstand tha big of an explosion
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
Yeah, hes dead... im sure tht a shot to his heart probobly wouldve killed him.,
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on Did Norm Spellman's Avatar really die? at AVATAR
Viperwolfs have 4 fingers. which is the amount of scratches in his head. so im sure that is was one
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on How did Colonel Quaritch get his scar? at AVATAR
Yeah, I think i probobly shouldve spent that money a lil better. (also, it was one of the best 65 hours of my life)
WEll then, after seening the movie for the 27th time. i now have no spending money till my next paycheck. Those 65 hours was some of the best ive ever had. but now looking back... with how much i spent... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at AVATAR
Also, i added it all up watching all these movies means Price: $393.72 (wow... almost $400) Hours watched: 62.5 hours (about 3 days) Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at AVATAR
Also, i added it all up Price: $393.72 (wow... almost $400) Hours watched: 62.5 hours (about 3 days)
Haha, ive kept all 25 glasses. Even my 3 imax ones, (they didnt let you keep em?) Andi think i win becuase steve cant provide us with a number >.< (going for 26 and 27 tommarow) (my wallet is pretty empty now)
Well, other then noticing some Foreshadowing. Not really... ive been paying attention to the background lately. Looking at the plants and whatnot sorry >.