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Now I know how non-tech people feel when us nerds talk. I barely understood what you said there. Yeah-heah-heah-ha-ha-hah-heaaah!
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Dude. DUDE! I would definitely make a pilgrimage to that brewpub when you open it. Your wife is a genius.
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I was torn with this episode. It was the first time that I really did NOT like Dr. Parrish. So kudos to you for making that happen, because it completely separated Wil from Parrish for me. The reason I was torn is because I like Wil, and therefore still liked Parrish. What I'm trying to say is, mission accomplished. Great job!
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I was really looking forward to the episode last night, but had to wait until after roller derby practice to watch. I got home late, but made sure to watch it on DVR before going to bed. Both you and Felicia were great! I'm sure it's trite, but seeing "Don't be a dick" Wil play a dick is always fun. I did catch the bit at the end when Parrish put aside his dickish ways to help out. I even got a hint of respect from Parrish when Fargo said he would go down with GD. I don't know if that was intended, but that's what I took away from the scene. Not enough respect for Parrish to stop being a dick to Fargo yet, but just a hint. :) Looking forward to many more!
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2011 on EUREKA: Glimpse at WWdN: In Exile
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Ben, If you have a local craigslist, keep your eye out on there. I got 2 glass carboys for $10. Beer and wine homebrewers often sell stuff on craigslist. And start saving the pop-top bottles you drink so you don't have to buy any. :)
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Oh, and "The Joy of Homebrewing" is a great tech manual for homebrewing.
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Definitely blog your results and progress. I picked up all my homebrewing supplies 2 years ago and have enough bottles collected for 2 or 3 batches. But life got in the way and I never got around to brewing it. Seeing results from another newb and geek might make me wake up early one weekend and actually get off my ass to brew.
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Saboingaden is now following Wil
Jul 7, 2011
We have two cats, and keep the litter boxes in the laundry room. The stench still makes it out and circulates with the central air or furnace (whichever season it is). As for allergies, I hear ya man. I've given up and now take a daily allergy pill...this season it's Allegra that's working for me. I have to switch it up every season to see which one works...Alavert, Claritin (same drug, different results), Zyrtec is out for me due to causing wierd aural migraines. I also have a CPAP for my sleep apnea that I think helps a bit with the allergies, and keeps my snoring down. It's annoying to wear at first, and I don't know if they prescribe them for rhinitis, but maybe ask about it. You can also rent the units instead of buying at first to try it out. It has filters on it, so I think that's why it helps. Anyway, hilarious story. I couldn't imagine sleeping by our cats' boxes because of the bombs they lay. I swear every single time we're in there doing laundry, they want to show off to us how big and stinky of a load they can drop.
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I've been an occasional reader over the years, and have even been getting your books over the years. Only recently have I actually dedicated some time to actually reading the books (and others I've gotten over the years) and I read this story in "Just a Geek" only a short time ago. With the convenience and low time requirement of Twitter and Facebook these days, I don't spend much time reading blogs. But when I do, yours is one I read. I also appreciate all the acting work you're getting. "The Guild" reminded me that I always liked you, and now I look forward to seeing your work in everything you act in. And the stories I've read in "Just a Geek" and "Dancing Barefoot" definitely evoked emotional reactions from me several times. So yes, keep up the good work! Even those who drift away sometimes just need a small reminder of your awesomeness to return. :)
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Saboingaden is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 5, 2011