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Philadelphia, Pa.
Artist. Photographer. Human Being.
Recent Activity
I'm thinking about not using this blog format any longer. I don't often have things to write about more than a few words and when I do they more often (and more easily) end up as a rant on Facebook or Tumblr. I just found out that I will soon have a blog space on my portfolio site as well... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
I made it through the first 100 days of taking a daily self-portrait under my new parameters! I went through several emotional expressions so far, but certainly did not explore the full range within each one. Some of these are not really any 'emotion' but certainly expressions nevertheles. I navigated a trip to Arizona for 4 days without messing up... Continue reading
Posted Apr 10, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
Get yer art here! Reasonably priced! Basic portrait, landscape, and square sizes available up from 8x10” to 16”x20”. US, GBP, Euro, and Canadian currencies can be used! There are self-portraits and non/self-portraits. If there is an image you were hoping would be there, feel free to message me and request it. Some images are NSFW. AND for the next TWO... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
Ohai. It's me, the neglectful blogger. It's possible I spread myself too thin online. Shocker. I get confused about what to post where, too, or how often to cross-post, or keep certain things for certain places. I'm just making shit up as I go, per usual. I'm still succeeding in taking a self-portrait every day for 2013 with my self-imposed... Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
Coming up on the first month complete, people are starting to appreciate the progression and imagine what the year might bring. The impact is better with the slideshow, I think: I'm learning as I go and of course already regretting a couple of things, but overall pleased. Trying to loosen up more and allow myself more 'in between' faces--meaning in... Continue reading
Posted Jan 28, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
My progression thus far, 16 days in. Seemed like a nice number for a mosaic. I’m enjoying the process still, and really enjoying people’s reactions to each image. There’s a lot for me to “let go” during this process. All ego-driven, so this is good for me. As long as I don’t end up completely hating my face for more... Continue reading
Posted Jan 16, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
Seven days into this new 365 daily self-portrait project and I don't want to stick a fork in my eye yet. In some ways it is a lot easier than last year because I'm doing the same basic set-up each time and I don't have to think too much. In some ways it is harder because I'm trying to create... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
1/365 This here's my Day 1 of another year of self-portraits. Fourth time overall (years one and two were from August 2006-2008, year three was all of 2012). This time I'm setting parameters: -Each photo will be taken with the 30mm lens. -Each photo will be 4x5 in dimensions. -Each photo will be black & white. -Each photo will show... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2013 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 361: It doesn't mean anything at all Day 362: There is a thing in me still dreams of trees Day 363: It comes to me in fragments Day 364: Lately I've been wishing Day 365: Snow Bunnies Day 366: All their tearful words will turn back to steam I had plans to visit an abandoned building this morning, but... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 355: Not with a bang but a wimper Day 356: Not waving but drowning Day 357: Quack Day 358: Let's Fighting Love Day 359: Patient hope in new snow Day 360: Kitty! Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 349: Turning a Blind Eye Day 350: Last Exit Day 351: A Series of Moments Day 352: untitled Day 353: Be careful out there Online friend Michelle hand-made this beautiful fox mask and sent it as part of a secret santa gift package. This photo became absurdly popular by getting into Flickr's "Explore" for some stupid reason. Ridiculous! :p... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 344: Tonight I think no poetry will serve Day 345: Some people say talking to yourself is a sign of insanity... Day 346: Like it's all she's got to give Day 347: Whatever you do, do it with style Day 348: It becomes your entire history This photo above from Day 348 was inspired by a quote that I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Starting to formulate an idea for my last day of the year. I cannot believe how close it is. Still mulling over doing a new year of self-portraits, but with strict parameters. After wavering, I'm back to leaning towards actually doing it. (By the way, the posts here show a bit of a lag behind where I'm actually at in... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
[This is a sponsored post] Just one: PicMonkey! I've never been a purist. I dabbled in photography when I was young and then didn't touch it for a long time. By the time I got back into it, digital was becoming readily available. While I recognize that there's a lot more that goes into shooting film photography, I also know... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
I have less than 30 days to go on this project... I have to make a decision about 2013 soon! Day 334: Let the poets cry themselves to sleep Day 335: Stars that clear have been dead for years Day 336: Untitled Day 337: Nearsighted Day 338: I'll fight like hell to hide that I've given up Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 328: You've fallen once, you'll fall again Funny outtake: Day 329: Think Before You Speak Day 330: Conceal me what I am (that's wax) Day 331: Heads or Tails? Day 332: Back to the thoughts that keep you awake Day 333: Time Out Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 323: And I forgot that life existed Day 324: For a love that's only in books I've read Day 325: You'll do the dance that was choreographed at the very dawn of time Day 326: Recipes are for Sissies Day 327: Sweet Nothings I'm beginning to reconsider that whole 'starting another daily SP project when this one is over'... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 317: Year after Year Day 318: Nobody Knows Just How it Goes Day 319: It's a Shell Game Day 320: Perception Day 321: Philly's Park in the Sky Day 322: They're Whispering for You Continue reading
Posted Nov 27, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
You know what's crazy? I'm considering doing another year of daily self-portraits as soon as this one is finished. Only this time, I'm thinking about imposing strict limitations so that I end up with an overall cohesive set. I will likely drive myself mad in the process, but the results should be cool so who cares? Day 311: Cool like... Continue reading
Posted Nov 18, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Beautiful. I wish I could craft words even a tiny fraction of how well you do so I could tell you how much your writing moves me. I'll just have to say so simply: Your writing moves me. I am grateful for you sharing.
Toggle Commented Nov 12, 2012 on Never More at caveat emptor
1 reply
Day 306: All is full of love Day 307: At the end of the day the trees all get wheeled away Day 308: WhatEVER Day 309: Unreality Day 310: I never planned on this but it's the way it goes Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
I inadvertently let this get WAY behind. I was already behind on posting the round-ups of daily self-portraits here before going on my trip, but now it's ridiculous. So. I went to England. I spent a day doing urban exploration with an online contact I got to meet in real life named Greg. He runs this awesome Facebook page called... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
I'm going to England again! I leave Sunday night and will be gone a week. Step-children, grandchild, and in-laws to visit plus the wedding of Pete's lovely niece are on the agenda of course, BUT...I need to shoot. As an Ambassador for the photo sharing site Snap MyLife, I was able to apply for a grant and have part of... Continue reading
Posted Oct 11, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 273: And since then I've been so good at vanishing Day 274: Cog in the Machine Day 275: The Seven Year Itch (Our seven year wedding anniversary) Day 276: The Better to See you with My Dear! Found this mask half-price at the local drug store. Had to have it :) Day 277: A Staircase of Misinformation Day 278:... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World
Day 267: I'm nowhere at all Day 268: Suddenly I See Day 269: "I once spent a year in Philadelphia, I think it was a Sunday." Day 270: An unknown set of variables Day 271: It's in the bag Day 272: My inside never matches my outside Continue reading
Posted Oct 4, 2012 at Sad and Beautiful World