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Mom to 2 boys (c1 and c2) and wife to the good man (gm).
Interests: green living, photography, interior design, arts & crafts
Recent Activity
goodbye for now daily bb
As it turns out, I can send my quick posts (with a photo attachment) to my main blog using my blackberry. PC and D70 not required. Whoohooo!! Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2009 at daily BB
sahm-i-am is now following Mena Trott
Dec 26, 2009
happy boxing day
'Twas the day after xmas when all through the house, not a floor space left uncovered ... Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2009 at daily BB
i dig christmas day
I hope everyone is having a joyous and peaceful Christmas day. C2 took a moment to run his digger through the snow in front of grandma Nita's house before jumping in the van. On our way home now to see if Santa paid our house a visit last night. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 25, 2009 at daily BB
regards to all godless
We haven't heard from our ex-nanny since she left in early January. This morning I received this text msg from her: "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Regards to all Godless." Puzzled at the rudeness of the msg, the good man asked if something was lost in translation. No. I didn't think so. Over 2 hrs later, I posted the weird msg on fb and then began to play with c2 on my lap. Seconds later I was laughing, coughing and sputtering all at once. And c2 began to laugh hysterically along with me. Nanny M meant to write: "Regards to all. God bless."... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2009 at daily BB
a space for me
I carved out a little space for me in the good man's home office. For now, my new desk remains uncluttered and I am hopeful that some time very soon, maybe even tonight, our evenings will once again be graced with the calmness of sleeping, not-so-needy babes and the return of uninterrupted down time for me and the good man. Time to express longer trains of thought in my main blog while the good man mutilates dragons and other beasts behind me with his online gaming friends. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2009 at daily BB
c1 baking rule #1
Making brownies just wouldn't be right without an apron. "You can wear mommy's, daddy!" And the good man complies without hesitation. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 21, 2009 at daily BB
special order
Ever have one of those days when you wish you could order an extra-whip, double-caf, mocha, vodka latte and actually get one from the local coffee shop? Yep, it's been one of those days for me. This morning I found the boys spitting all over the couch and then trying to suck it up with a toy vaccum. Pretty funny, at first. But no laughing matter when c1refused to stop doing it even after repeated requests to cease and desist. The rest of the day? The same 10 times over. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at daily BB
growing pains
Quiet day today. Spent a good part of it recovering after a night of very little sleep trying to comfort c1 through his "growing pains" attacks. They only last several minutes but they seem so terribly excruciating for c1. He's left writhing in pain and whimpering, begging me to make it all feel better. After the pain subsides, he collapses in my arms, snoring loudly. Then an hour or so later the cycle begins again. Obviously, I took no photos last night but I found this in the gm's bb photo archives: c1enjoying a much more peaceful snooze in the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2009 at daily BB
xmas gift idea #253
In case you were wondering what 2 boys under the age of 4 would like for Christmas ... Don't bother with expensive wooden building blocks. Canned goods are way more interesting!! Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2009 at daily BB
poo for santa
This morning I hugged c1 and whispered in his ear, reminding him that he should poo on the potty today because it would make santa happy & that santa would come for sure to give him presents on christmas eve. Bribery at its worst, I know. He gave me an unenthusiastic, "Oh, okay". Settled down in front of the tv with c2. The pool tilers came. Then the REEP guy. And, the conversation was forgotten. Out of the corner of my eye I suddenly notice c1 running half naked holding his pull-up in one hand. I excuse myself fr my... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2009 at daily BB
hello again naptime
It's been over a week since c1 stopped napping. I resisted at first. I didn't want to let go of the 1 hr or so stretch in the day when I didn't have a child attached to me. For a while, I resorted to driving the boys to sleep. I mean that literally. I would drive around the edge of town where the roads are bumpy until they both fell asleep in the van. When cold, wintery weather hit and the boys caught a cold, driving them to nap didn't seem practical. C2 is and has always been a great... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2009 at daily BB
not another bedtime story
Not to brag or anything but I think I got 7 hrs sleep last night! The last time the good man celebrated a c1-sleep-success on facebook, we were up every hour the next night. So let me be very clear ... I ... I got 7 hours sleep last night! The c1-slept-well story ban has NOT been compromised. The gm and l are like hockey players during the playoffs when it comes to c1 sleeping. We look for patterns when he does have a good night and then try to repeat the same routine night after night. Recently, we took... Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2009 at daily BB
home day
Kept the boys home again today. Bad cough. Both of them. I think they've been to nursery school a total of 7 days since September. I try to do crafts with them when they miss nursery school days. But today, I decided to get some cleaning done instead ... like tidying up the family room. For us, this is as tidy as it gets. Hmmm. Should have done crafts instead. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2009 at daily BB
holiday cheer
In the true spirit of the holidays, c1 dons a "christmas earing" Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at daily BB
sound of silence
Who are you and what did you do with my kids?! The house has been quiet for 10 min. C1 is in the rm above the garage watching his all-time fave Einstein video, "Numbers Nursery" and c2 is in the family rm playing quietly with his mini mighty machines. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2009 at daily BB
tree #2
Decorating the big tree. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2009 at daily BB
mac & cheese monster
I admit it. The boys eat KD from time to time. They more than like it. They LOVE it! We have boxes & boxes of it sitting on the same shelf as our organic goods. I hear you can buy organic mac & cheese now but what's the point? Take away the fluorescence and you take most of the appeal away, I think. Yep, I lurve KD, too. C1 named his plate of KD this afternoon. Meet Elmo. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at daily BB
demise of the poolhouse
C1's poolhouse. Constructed with precision and care. Brought down by a single hand-swipe by c2. C1 wails at the injustice. Can you blame him? Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2009 at daily BB
what's going on in the backyard?
A) Trying our luck with our very own hydroponic grow op. The economy's been rough on us all. B) Building an Iroquois longhouse because we're funny that way. C) The workers tented the pool so they can finish tiling it. Summer cannot come soon enough when all signs of construction is gone and we can begin enjoying the new deck, pool and backyard. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2009 at daily BB
loopy tuesday
The boys resurrected their hot wheels track after lunch. It's surprising how many cars can't make it around the loop.C2 gives his car a helping hand. Eventually, c1 gave up too and started running his trains along the track, instead. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2009 at daily BB
i slept with tiger
Uhm ... Tigger, the bouncy, bouncy tiger that hangs out with Pooh. Not the other famous one. Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2009 at daily BB
Brought out the kiddie chopsticks to get c2 to eat the rest of his croissant. Two more mini-croissants later ... Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2009 at daily BB
abstract painting
A collaborative work by c1 and c2. Water-based paint on paper. "Daddy's office and a dinosaur" Sent from my Blackberry device Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2009 at daily BB
smile my alligator
"Smile my alligator! Smile my alligator!" What's that screaming child? Smell your alligator? Did you have a poop? "Smile my alligator! Smile my alligator!" Translation: Take a picture of screaming child in his alligator pajamas. Now, go get yourself a cup of coffee ... or four. Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2009 at daily BB
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