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thanks for reposting my comments from retail (from 2013) without my permission or knowledge. What else have you stolen from there?
Scams and Scammers: Ancient Battery, Stolen Battery And Knockoffs Resealed
From Salamurai I've got some stories to share... Let’s see... There was the guy who claimed he had a car battery given as gift just a few months ago; no receipt in hand, no entry in the computer. (Sears insists on recording the customer info when you buy the battery in the auto dept). Oh look...
I find it interesting that you've copied my comments from to your site, that are from 2012.
I don't appreciate that you embellished them. My comments ended with "He kept insisting he’d just gotten it as a gift the month before!" The rest of it never happened.
Rubbish Returns: "Who Cares If It's Your Brand Or Not?!"
From Salamurai When working for a national auto repair store, a guy came in and asked if he could do a warranty return his battery without a receipt. I told him the best I could do is a return based on how old it was. Well, the battery was over ten years old (there’s a date-code sticker on th...
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Jul 13, 2018
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